Inspiration comes in small packages

Today I volunteered at my oldest son's elementary school Fun Run. There was a half mile and mile runs for the kids, and then a 5K. It's always a great family event and today did not disappoint. And, I had the best job a volunteer could have - I … [Continue reading]

Maybe running in circles can move you forward

At the advice of some of my runner friends, I hit the track this morning. Left knee pain is one of the roadblocks I'm hoping to overcome as I make my running "comeback" (said with tongue firmly in cheek!) so I thought it was worth a shot to see if … [Continue reading]

Getting Started….again

Here’s the deal…I am not a runner. At least I do not consider myself a runner…yet. I don’t miss running if I haven’t gone in a couple of days (er…weeks). I don’t look at my running shoes with great longing on a cool crisp fall day and wish I were out … [Continue reading]