A Few Goals for 2011

Being the seriously goal-oriented person that I am, a list of running-related goals for 2011 was inevitable...so here goes: Run my first half marathon -- already registered! Improve my 10k time Run at least 6 races (including at least 1 more half) -- … [Continue reading]

Enjoying the downtime

After a great Christmas weekend filled with family, great food and lots and lots of laughter, I'm still basking in the after Christmas glow!Today we're digging out from the blizzard that hit much of the northeast. Building snow forts with the kids … [Continue reading]

ITB, TRX and Christmas

Random Thursday Thoughts..... Ice, Roll, Run, Aggravate....Repeat -- That's pretty much been the cycle with my left ITB for the past two weeks. But this week I've finally waved the white flag and am giving my angry left leg the rest it obviously … [Continue reading]

First Half Marathon on the Horizon

After some quiet murmurings and occasional declarations that I want to run a half marathon "at some point" -- I have finally taken the leap and registered for my first half! On Memorial Day Weekend, I'll be taking part in Boston's Run to Remember. … [Continue reading]

Thursday Thoughts (aka 3 Things)

So much for that quick trot through the holiday season I was trying to maintain. The days on the calendar feel like they're evaporating and when we crossed the 10 days-to-go mark yesterday, I lost my cool and broke out into full sprint mode. If I … [Continue reading]

Notes to Self

A couple of notes to myself after this morning's run........too much holiday cheer (in the form of a party and many glasses of a very good Prosecco) the night before a long run is ill-advised...your kids will always wake up early the following … [Continue reading]

Running Respite

Every year I promise myself that I will slow down and actually enjoy the holiday season, instead of sprinting through it, feverishly checking things off my to do list as I go. Well, with 17 days to go until Christmas, let's just say that I'm moving … [Continue reading]

Thursday Thoughts (aka 3 things)

My November miles took a serious nosedive -- a combination of a motivation vacation and being hijacked by my to-do list! I'm feeling pretty confident that with the Hyannis 10k on the horizon, this case of mileage shrinkage will correct itself.I went … [Continue reading]

So what’s your cold threshold?

How cold does it have to be before you say no to a run, or at least head for a treadmill?I am not...repeat not a cold weather kind of girl! But after whining....er, I mean expressing my displeasure with Mother Nature and her never-ending hot flashes … [Continue reading]


Gratitude ....  unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance,  chaos into order, confusion to clarity.... Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today  and creates a vision … [Continue reading]