February Rewind

Good things for the month: 81 miles - my second highest monthly total ever since I've started running! Set a 10 mile PR! One of the mildest February's on record helped continue my outdoor running streak. Left leg continues to feel good (Dr. Needles … [Continue reading]

3 Weeks to Go!

Three weeks until RnR USA!Time to use these final long runs as dress rehearsal for race day. Time to finalize fueling and pace strategies, travel logistics and, of course, the all important race outfit :)The kids climbed back on the big yellow school … [Continue reading]

Thursday thoughts – School vacation, workouts & meditation

It's vacation week here in Massachusetts so this week is all about creativity.... being creative with keeping the kids occupied so they don't live on all sorts of various digital devices 24/7... and being creative with getting my workouts … [Continue reading]

Wamapanoag Old-Fashioned 10 Miler Race Report

On Saturday, J and I drove the course to get a better sense of the race's director's definition of "rolling hills." Well they didn't lie - a nice fairly flat start and then the rolling began around mile 3 and continue through mile 6, but nothing … [Continue reading]

Thursday Thoughts – Pre-race edition

I actually have my first race of the year this weekend - the Wampanoag Old-fashioned 10 Miler and Fast 5K. I'm running the 10.It's funny  - I know absolutely nothing about this race except for the fact that the course is described as "a rolling … [Continue reading]

What I Love about Running

For Valentine's Day, the co-moderators of #Runchat are encouraging everyone to share ten reasons why you love running. Fun idea! So following their lead here are my ten, in no particular order: I love...... ...working through whatever is going on … [Continue reading]

Running for Sherry

I got up this morning to get ready for my run, and, as with so many of my runs since her disappearance, my thoughts were of Sherry Arnold. On January 7, Sherry, a mom, wife, teacher, friend, sister, went out for an early morning run and never came … [Continue reading]

Thursday Thoughts (aka 3 Things)

My mind is a total jumble this morning as I'm trying to keep straight everyone's schedules, backpack requirements, meeting times, groceries list, menu planning and other errands....yeah basically just the typical "Mom's Brain Syndrome." I would … [Continue reading]

PureFit Bars Review & Coupon Code

A few weeks ago I was offered a chance to try PureFit Nutrition Bars. Given that the bars are gluten-, wheat-, and dairy-free, I was curious to check them out, as I often have trouble finding things that will agree with my stomach. Here's what … [Continue reading]

Friday Five

After 3 workouts in a 24-hr span, I am thoroughly embracing a rest day today! Some core work but nothing else - I want to have something in the tank for tomorrow's long run. I'm beginning to realize that I have been underestimating the importance of … [Continue reading]