Monday Motivation

I needed this little reminder this weekend during my long run.Why is it sometimes so easy to self-sabotage, instead of being your own best cheerleader? Well this week that little voice can put a sock in it!On the decks for this week: Monday -- Easy … [Continue reading]

Thursday Thoughts (aka 3 Things)

1.So today my plan called for 6 miles with negative splits. You know those runs where you feel like you're flying, like you could just go forever...that everything's in sync. Yeah well that was NOT today's run! "Holy Craptastic Run Batman!" I will … [Continue reading]

ProFoot Miracle Insole Review and Giveaway

A couple of weeks ago, I was invited to try The 2 oz. Miracle Custom Molding Insoles by ProFoot.*As ProFoot explains it, these insoles: Feature a unique2-layer design - the bottom layer acts like a shock absorber, lifting the arch and stabilizing the … [Continue reading]

Friday Five

Hit the track yesterday for the first of what will be many more speed workouts. It was a good ego-boosting session of consistent splits despite crazy cold winds. My household is officially consumed by all things Lacrosse. My oldest son's season has … [Continue reading]

Shaking up my training

The other day I mentioned that I felt like I needed to shake up my training plan but wasn't sure exactly what that meant yet. So I spent a little time this weekend looking back over my plan for RnR USA and plans from Runner's World Smart Coach and … [Continue reading]

This and that….

I swear I blinked and this week was over!There hasn't been much running this week - which seems a bit of a crime given the gorgeous weather we've been having! But I kinda hit an energy wall on Monday so aside from one nice run with my friend E on … [Continue reading]

Rock n Roll USA Half recap

There are some races where despite how well training goes, things just don't come together on race day...this was one of those races for me. Off to race I was awake by 4:30 but forced myself to lay in bed until 5:30. I went … [Continue reading]

Pre-Race Randomness

So the family and I made it into DC yesterday. The boys' desire for lunch (read whinning) had us arriving at the Expo later than I had hoped so I missed out on some blogger meetups...but we all know that when traveling with kids holding to a … [Continue reading]

Brooks PureConnects product review

I was so excited when these shoes arrived. I loved their look and so wanted to love them on the run. Source: Brooks website The minute I put them on the first thing I was struck by was the feel of the high arch support. I'm not really sure why … [Continue reading]

Figuring out the final tweeks

My long run Saturday was 12.25 - my longest training run to date. It was a solid run despite running 3/4 of it in a downpour. I loved the look I got from a woman in her car as I waited for the light so I could cross - she literally shook her head at … [Continue reading]