Midweek Motivation

What limits will you push today? Get after it! … [Continue reading]

September Rewind

Good things for the month: Yes Dimity is very tall...and I'm so very not :) PR at ZOOMA Cape Cod!  Managed to cut off an ITB issue before it turned into an injury. Lots of fun blogger meet-ups thanks to a great ZOOMA race weekend … [Continue reading]

Thursday Thoughts – Back at it

1)  While I'm still very excited about Saturday's PR, it was time to get back to training this week - the "A" race, the Chilly Half Marathon is a little more than 6 weeks away. By Sunday evening, Coach Bennett had sent me the next phase of my … [Continue reading]

ZOOMA Cape Cod Race Recap

Let me start by saying that I don't think this post can do justice to the great time I had at ZOOMA! Fun started Friday evening Brooke, Felice, Tricia, Amy, me & Brae E and I headed down to Falmouth late Friday afternoon. We checked in and … [Continue reading]

Getting Ready for ZOOMA

I just finished my bi-weekly call with Coach Bennett and I'm feeling so positive and fired up I wish I could run now! We talked about my last few training runs this week and how to approach Saturday's race. But beyond talking race strategy, the … [Continue reading]

Race Week Craziness

I have a confession to make.... I do not enjoy the final week leading up to a race! My mind and body play terrible tricks on me and I find I spend the week working to keep my anxiety level in check. I'm happy to say I had a good solid long … [Continue reading]

Friday Five

1)  Made it through this week's hill work without any angry outbursts from the left ITB! My schedule has been crazy this week so I ended up swapping Wednesday & Thursday's runs so I did my hill work on Wednesday. It was a solid workout and the ITB … [Continue reading]

The knee watch continues

After a forced hiatus for most of last week, Coach Bennett gave me the green light to try 8 miles on Saturday. But he was very clear, if the knee/IT was causing any pain I was to shut it down, call J and have him come pick me up!My friend E had 8 … [Continue reading]

Resisting the urge to run

Towards the end of my long run on Saturday, I tweaked my left knee. I was on my last down hill when I must have landed funny on my left foot because I felt a zinging sensation on the front outer part of my knee that radiated up my ITB -- pretty much … [Continue reading]

August Rewind

I blinked and August was gone..... Good things for the month: 98 miles - a new monthly high! Completed all the workouts on my training plan. Added a new pair of Saucony Mirage 2s and Kinvara 3s -- have I mentioned how much I love  … [Continue reading]