Change in race plans

Black ice and an already tweaky knee quickly turned a 10 mile run in to 3 miles yesterday morning. I was lucky to not fall but the slide aggravated an already cranky left ITB/knee. I was only a mile and a half into my run when it happened and … [Continue reading]

Why I Meditate

From time to time, I have mentioned here and on Twitter that I meditate, and I've noticed that whenever I do I receive lots of inquiries about why I do it? Do I see any real benefits? Or, comments indicating that others would like to do it but don't … [Continue reading]

February Buh bye

Good things for February: Started working with Coach Bennett again! Ran the Frosty Virtual 5K Started the 30-day ab/core challenge Enjoying my new gym, despite too many runs on the 'mill Unveiled the blog's new look! Things I could do … [Continue reading]

Running and eating

One of my goals for 2013 is to set back and take a hard look at my nutrition. As I have said before while I don't eat a lot of junk, I know there's room for some improvement. Lately, I've been feeling really sluggish during my runs - this morning's … [Continue reading]

Race #1 Done, 12 to go

The Frosty Virtual 5K/10K/Half was benefiting the American Cancer Society - a cause I was very happy to support.  I lost both my grandmothers to cancer and both of those amazing women were on my mind Saturday morning. I stuck to my plan and got … [Continue reading]

Here we go again

It's been school vacation week here and I will admit this is usually a week I dread because it's usually too cold to be outdoors and every museum, movie theater, arcade, bowling ally or other possible indoor activity is jam-packed with other … [Continue reading]

The race that didn’t happen

So Mother Nature was in a mood this weekend and Sunday's race didn't happen. When a race director describes the conditions as "treacherous" thanks to a combination of a couple of inches of snow and 45 mph winds - I'm good with the decision to … [Continue reading]

First race this weekend!

My first race of 2013 is Sunday - the Wampanoag Old-Fashioned 10 Miler. I ran this race last year with my husband J as a tune up to the RnR USA half marathon. It was a fun race on a nice course and right after the race I pretty much decided … [Continue reading]

For the love of the run

In the spirit of Valentine's Day, David & Scott over at RunChat are once again encouraging runners to share what they love about running. I participated last year and it's fun to go back and see the 10 reasons I posted then -- I would say none of … [Continue reading]

Good stuff happening

First off -- Welcome to the new and improved Running with Attitude! After announcing on more than one occasion that I wanted to move from Blogger to a self-hosted site I've finally made it happen -- Thanks hugely to Rita at Blog Genie, who I swear … [Continue reading]