Benefits of Yamuna Body Rolling

As I’ve been working on getting and keeping my legs happy I have been very diligent about two things – my strengthening exercises and Yamuna Body Rolling. I did a post about Yamuna back when my mom was probably my only reader (Thanks Mom!) – so I thought I’d re-visit some of the reasons why Yamuna Body Rolling is my go-to choice these days for working out the kinks.


Yamuna Body Rolling (YBR) utilizes several different-sized balls for different parts of your body. The idea is that the compression of these balls into bones, tendons, muscles, and fascia releases restrictions.  So how does it differ from foam rolling? Each ball is designed with a specific density and size and meant to be used for specific areas. As such, Yamuna balls can be used on more areas of the body, offering more flexibility and, therefore, more advantages than foam rollers.

YBR essentially uses the muscles as a roadmap to the body. YBR routines follow specific sequences that match the body’s own logic and order. Starting where each muscle begins, at its origin, you roll toward where it attaches to the point called its insertion. According to the YBR website, by following specific muscles from their beginning to end, you can maximize their length and restore space in your body. This direct approach affects your stuck, adhered tissue, helping to improve its health, balance and circulation while restoring length in a way that stretching alone just can’t.

I was first introduced to YBR by a Pilates teacher (who also happens to be a kick-ass marathoner), and I took classes to learn the various rolling routines. If you want to try YBR I’d highly recommend either learning from a trained Yamuna practitioner or getting one of the DVDs usually sold with the balls so you can learn the best ways to use the balls.

Have you ever tried YBR? What’s your go to method for working out the kinks?


10k instead of 10 miles

Thank you to everyone who weighed in with advice and encouragement after my last post!

Despite the rest day yesterday and diligent icing and rolling, my left leg was not feeling fabulous this morning. As much as I wanted to get one more long run under my belt, I knew the smarter choice was to back off. So instead of 10 miles, I settled for a 10k.

During the first couple of miles, I seriously questioned being out there at all, but it got better around mile 3. Fairly uneventful on the whole, but my knee let me know that 6 was definitely enough for today. So I’ll take it!

Next up – more ice, rolling, and rest, along with my weekly pilates class tomorrow and I’ll try a couple more miles on Sunday.

Enjoy your weekend!


A little Friday randomness

Thanks to Blogger’s little meltdown yesterday, my Thursday post vanished into cyberspace and by last night I was googling how to transfer from Blogger to WordPress!

This was one of those weeks that flew by in a blink – there were lots of meetings, school events and sports for the boys, along with all the usual stuff that makes up life. I did manage to hold to my training plan too, though I could have done with more yoga and yamuna body rolling – my hamstrings and calves are ridiculously tight!

And speaking of calves, I have discovered relief in the form of Zensah compression sleeves. After using them post-run a few times, I’m wondering what took me so long to buy a pair!

Another first today – first 11 mile run. I’d be lying if I said it was a pretty run. I haven’t been sleeping great this week and it definitely caught up with me in today’s run. But I got the distance and that’s what counts. Every run teaches you something, and this one taught me most that I can push through when I really feel the tank’s on E.

I have only one more long run before my half. One more “test” run to figure out fueling, clothes options, socks and play list. I’m close on the play list, but if you have any suggestions, especially for those last few miles, please pass them along. I think on the fueling front, I’m going to stick with a couple of Chomps around mile 5 and then depending on how I feel, a couple more around 9. Still working on my chewing and running at the same time 🙂

“It costs nothing to dream…And everything not to.” — this was in my inbox this morning and I love it and just had to share.

Have a Great Weekend!

Week in review

On Monday it was time to see what a week of babying my knee had done for me. I got out early and went for 4 miles and felt good when finished. Quickly followed up with Yamuna Body Rolling and ice. Life got in the way and it was clear Wednesday’s run wasn’t going to happen.  Continued the Yamuna and ice.  It took till mid-day on Friday, but I did get 5 more in. Hmm… the knee still feels ok, a little sore by the evening but not painful. Quick more Yamuna and more ice! Yesterday I went to my weekly Pilates Reformer class and then headed to see my massage therapist — a treat and so worth it!

I knew I would have a crazy day ahead of me today and that the only way to get a run in was to go early. So after a Sybil-like debate with myself, I dragged myself out of my warm bed and into the cold morning. It was the first time I’d started a run while the street lights were still on! The sun finally decided to join me at the half way mark. I finished just over 6 and all’s well with the left leg! Yes I’ll be back to the Yamuna and ice tonight – why mess with a formula that seems to be helping?!

On tap for this week is more of the same with hopefully a little more Pilates thrown in. Depending on how things go, I’ll decide on whether I’m going to run the local 5k on Sunday.

Happy Running!


To My Angry Left Leg

Dear Angry Left Leg –

I thought you and I had reached an understanding a while ago. I thought you had finally taken your toys and gone home. But, after running pain free for 3 weeks, I see that you’re back and clearly your mood hasn’t improved! In fact, you’re crankier than usual and you’ve brought along your friend “Nagging Hip” just for kicks!

What – you heard that I signed up for another race, a longer distance, and thought your return would put an end to all of that?! Well in case you hadn’t noticed, I’m far more stubborn than you are! I have a goal and a plan to get there and I don’t intend to stop to listen to your whining. I’ll give you rest days, ice and Yamuna Body Rolling …but, in return, I suggest you get with the program ’cause I’m not stopping!


In Praise of Yamuna Body Rolling

A few weeks ago in one of my many attempts to clean my hall closet, I came across my Yamuna Body Rolling balls tucked away on a shelf. I decided to put them to use again and now I cannot imagine why I ever let them disappear into the abyss of my closet in the first place!

Yamuna Body Rolling is a series of routines using 6 – 10 inch balls specifically designed for the practice. According to the YBR website:

“(it) works the way a hands-on practitioner works -only using a ball. The ball replaces hands as it moves on muscles to stretch them, dislodge tension and discomfort, increase blood flow, and promote healing. Lying over the ball, you literally roll your body out almost like dough, stretching and elongating your muscles. The YBR routines follow specific sequences that match the body’s own logic and order. Starting where each muscle begins, at its origin, you roll toward where it attaches to the point called its insertion.”

I was introduced to Yamuna Body Rolling by a couple of my pilates instructors (one of who also runs marathons) and took a few classes to learn some of the routines. But eventually, making time to do the routines became less and less of a priority….too busy rushing around….and lo and behold, the balls ended up in the back of the closet!

However, in these past couple of weeks, I have been making the time to do a couple of the routines, both the night before a morning run and following a run (much harder with the kids and the demands of the day calling), as well as after a weights workout. I’m finding the level of soreness in my muscles is diminished, and that alone is reason to continue to make time for it!
