Another week in the books and things are just rolling along. Here’s a look at my week in workouts.
Weekly Run Down – Week 19
Monday — 30 min Ride, 15 min Upper Body Strength, 5 min Core, and hip stretch
Tuesday — 3-mile run and 10 min Core
Wednesday — Rest day
Thursday — 20 min Ride plus 5 min Cool Down, 20 min Strength for Runners, and full-body stretch
Friday — 3-mile run and 10 min Core. A rare awakening without the aid of my alarm and I was actually out the door and running by daybreak. I thought my legs would struggle after Thursday’s push on the bike and lower body strength work, but I felt really good!
Saturday — 2.5-mile walk and hours of yard work. DOMS finally caught up with me, but an early powerwalk with my husband helped to loosen things up a bit, then it was off to spectate at my son’s lacrosse game, before spending a couple of hours in the yard weeding and reconfiguring one of my flower beds.
Sunday — 5.2-mile run and 10 min Strength for Runners. The weather was picture-perfect – 50 degrees and a light breeze, my sweet spot. Of late I’ve been loving how much quieter the roads are on a Sunday morning (vs. Saturdays) and will probably keep this as my weekend run day.
The workout highlight of the week was hitting my Century Ride on Thursday. I took my very first bike class with Tunde so it seemed appropriate to take her 20 min 90s Ride for my 100th. Added bonus, I scored a PR and got a shoutout from Tunde herself on my Instagram post! I totally heart her so this really put a smile on my face!
Tell me what was your workout highlight this week?
In case you missed it:
5 Tips to Beat Running Boredom
I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down. Join us!