After dealing with frigid temps and an ice storm last week, this week we had a “heatwave” as the thermometer showed temps in the 50s! Of course this morning we woke up to snow falling once again. Honestly, Mother Nature just pick a lane, LOL.
My hip flexor got a little cranky this week, so I dialed back on the running, and even took a full rest day. Here’s a quick look at how things played out.
Week 6 – Weather Whiplash in Full Effect
Monday — Flash 15 full-body strength, Shadow Boxing, Core & Stretch
Tuesday — Peloton Ride, Core & Stretch
Wednesday — 3.1-mile run & Stretch. The weather was just picture perfect, and with a very full schedule of Zoom calls, this midday run was just what I needed!
Thursday –– Rest day. I was surprised to wake up feeling sore all over – my right hip flexor was especially unhappy. So rest day it was.
Friday –– 1.3-mile walk & Yoga. While I had planned to do my Thursday run, the flexor gave me pause.
Saturday — 4.1-mile run, Core & Stretch
Sunday — On the plan, Peloton Ride, Stretch…and shoveling!
While Saturday’s hilly route definitely challenged my flexor, all is quiet today. Hopefully, things will stay that way as I’d like to start adding in a 4th run day in the upcoming week. I’m also looking forward to diving into Marcia’s Let’s Run Toward Spring Challenge, which starts on Monday.
In case you missed it:
Five Races I Hope to Run in 2022
Tell me about your week. Is anyone else dealing with weather whiplash?
I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down. Join us!