For whatever reason it was a flury of chaos around my house this morning…so it’s a bullet points kind of day.
- I must admit it feels kind of funny to wake up every morning and not have my runs and workouts pre-determined by a training plan. I’ve been heading out the door with no real destination in mind, just running to run and when I’ve had enough or am crunched for time, I head back.
- Signed up for my first race of 2013 – going to run the Wampanog Old-Fashioned 10 miler again. J and I ran it back in February (you can read the race report here). It’s a really well organized local race and I like the course. I also like racing this distance and hope to find a few others to do next year.
- I’m headed to my second appointment with a chiropractor this morning. I attended a gait analysis clinic this past weekend where this chiro was the guest speaker. While I’ve had a gait analysis done before in running stores, it was very different to have it done by someone trained in the neuromusculosekeletal system the way he was…plus it helped that he’s a marathoner. I’m going to work with him for a few weeks and see how my ITB responds.
- We’re staying local for Thanksgiving this year – my brother’s hosting and I’m really looking forward to a lowkey day with the family. The plan’s to either hit an early yoga class or get a run in, then finish cooking and head to my brother’s place for a day of food and football!
Traveling for the holiday or staying local?