Running unplugged

My finicky Garmin is the inspiration for this week’s Fit Five Friday.

My Garmin? It’s just a little over 4 years old, but boy oh boy has it been having some major fits lately. It has frozen on several occasions while trying to both save a run or sync with the app, and it’s been off in measuring the distance (almost like it’s losing the GPS). There have been a few runs where I haven’t even bothered to wear my watch. Couple that with forgetting to charge my headphones, and I have found myself forced to run… naked! (Cue the horror music!)

So today I’m sharing a few reasons to consider running unplugged.

5 Reasons to consider running unplugged

No delays How many times have you found yourself waiting for your watch or headphones to charge because you forgot to plug them in the night before? Or, waiting for your watch to locate a satellite? On a gadget-free run, you truly just lace up, step out the door and you’re off.

A break from the numbers Feedback from your running watch can be very valuable, allowing you to compete with yourself and track your progress. On the flip side, always watching the numbers can cause added pressure – can we become so focused on our pace that we forget to enjoy the run itself?

Let your body lead There are lots of variables that can affect a run on any given day (sleep, nutrition, the previous day’s workout, etc.). Running by feel vs. your watch gives your body a better chance to adjust to those variables.

Focus on your form Running without music gives you the opportunity to listen to your feet. Is your footfall soft and light? Are you scuffing your feet? For me, when I hear scuffing, I know my form’s starting to fall apart.

Take in your surroundings Running gadget-free not only gives you a chance to tune into your body but to tune into your surroundings as well… to truly be in the moment. What sounds will you hear or what sights might you take in?

5 reasons to consider running unplugged #FitFiveFriday #bibchat Share on X

Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not ready to completely convert to running naked. Running with a watch and music provide both useful feedback and motivation. But every now and then, there’s value in running unplugged.

Do you ever run unplugged? What’s your must-have gadget?

Welcome to Fit Five Friday!
Join My First 5K and MoreRunning With AttitudeRun Laugh Eat PieRuns with Pugs, and Zenaida every Friday for Fit Five Friday! Who’s ready for some fun?

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Christmas Week Run Down

Happy Sunday!

That sound you hear is me exhaling and settling into a staycation week off! This past week was a mad sprint to wrap-up projects and put out work fires (there seem to be far too many of those lately) and to put in the final touches to get ready for Christmas.

Workout wise there were a lot of Peloton holiday-themed classes, another virtual race, and a Christmas run “with” friends. Here’s the run down….

(from the drive-through light show we visited this week)

Christmas Week Run Down

Monday — Monday was oh so…Monday and my workout never happened.

Tuesday — Peloton 20-minute ride & full-body strength.

Wednesday — Peloton Holiday Slow Flow Yoga.

Thursday — Peloton 30-minute ride and core.

Friday — A Christmas run with friends! Earlier in the week, Kim (KookyRunner) invited Kim (Running on the Fly) and me to join her for a virtual run on Christmas morning. While the weather was oh so stormy, making this a treadmill run – I was still happy to be running “with” friends!

Thanks to Kim for the collage

Saturday — BAA virtual 10K. 2nd race in the #FinishStrongChallenge. The morning was bright and windy, and the miles were easy.

Sunday –– Peloton 25-minute ride and core.

Christmas was a low-keyed affair, given the times, but it was still a good day with much to be grateful for. And, now we’ve entered into one of my favorites weeks for the year. I have always enjoyed the week between Christmas and the new year – a great time to relax, reflect and recharge.

How was your week? Did you have a nice Christmas?

I’m linking up with Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down.


September Runfessions

Marcia has opened the runfessional and I’ve got a few things to share, so let’s dive right in, shall we?

I runfess that I am nowhere near “half marathon ready” with the Detroit half just a few weeks away. When Detroit race organizers announced they were going virtual I had every intention of dropping down to the 5K. For those not keeping score, I have done nothing in the long-distance department all summer – I’ve had zero interest. I kept saying “I gotta remember to change my registration” …well as you’ve probably guessed, I kept forgetting and when I finally logged in to do so, the virtual 5K was sold out! Doh! Ah well, the half marathon swag is pretty sweet and on its way, so always earned never given – I will get it done.

Which of course begs the question – why sign up for the BAA’s Finish Strong Challenge which includes a half marathon?! I runfess that fall weather running giddiness may have played a role. LOL! I really wanted a goal to push for to finish out the year so the Challenge seemed like a good idea (half marathon and all) – plus, I runfess, I know I’m going to want to redeem myself after the Detroit effort.

I runfess that while I’m looking forward to having some running challenges this fall, I continue to “drink the kool-aid” that is Peloton. My bike will arrive (finally) in a couple of weeks, and in the meantime, I continue to love the new content they’re adding. After doing the “Crush Your Core” program earlier this summer, I’ve been trying to keep a fairly steady diet of core workouts going, so when the Breakthrough Crew Facebook group (from this summer’s Pelothon) announced a core challenge for October, you know I am all in!

So tell me, what are you runfessing?


Fall running and new challenges

Mother Nature has gifted us with some glorious fall weather lately and I couldn’t be happier – especially since I’ve got a few new run challenges on the horizon! But before I get to those, here’s a quick run down on the week that was…

Monday — Yoga
Tuesday — 3-mile run plus core
Wednesday — 1.25 -mile power walk plus core
Thursday — Peloton Strength – upper body and core classes
Friday — 2.5-mile run plus Pelo strength
Saturday — 4-mile run plus core
Sunday — Currently still lingering over coffee, but planning to get a walk and some time on my yoga mat.

New Challenges

Running has felt good lately (thanks I’m sure in part to the cool fall weather we’ve been having), and I’m finally feeling motivated to take on a couple of run challenges and virtual races. Here’s what I’ve got planned:

Hadrian’s Wall – I’ve had this one on my radar since I first heard about it earlier this summer, so when my brother called me looking for a challenge to take on, I knew what I wanted to do. We’ll each be trying to cover the 90 miles over the next few weeks – should be fun to see who finishes first!

Womxn Run the Vote — This relay kicks off tomorrow and benefits Black Voters Matter (BVM), a nationally recognized advocacy and policy group that works to boost Black voter turnout at elections on every level. The week-long relay covers 680 miles from Atlanta to Washington DC, following a route from Martin Luther King Jr. Historic Site in Atlanta to the MLK Jr. National Memorial in DC.  BVM is a great advocacy group so I’m psyched to be logging some miles for this cause. I’ll be running with Team SnaptheVote! 


Excited to celebrate fall running with some virtual races and challenges! #FreepMaraBR #BibChat #BibRavePro #WomxnRunTheVote #WeeklyRunDown Share on X

I’ve also got a couple of virtual races lined up. I had registered for the Detroit Free Press International Half Marathon early this year and was psyched to run it as a BibRave Pro. Of course, like all other major races, this one has gone virtual. The Detroit races are selling out quickly, but if you’re interested in joining me be sure to use code BIBRAVEDET20 for 10% off your registration.

Additionally, I signed up for the Boston Athletic Association’s #FinishStrong Challenge, which consists of running their annual distance medley (5K, 10K, and half marathon) as virtual runs during the final three months of the year. I missed getting to run a BAA event this year (kind of a tradition with me) so this feels like a good fit and will give me something to focus on as the year winds down. I also like that the challenge also supports some great causes.


Has Fall weather made an appearance where you are? Do you have any challenges or virtual races coming up?

I’m linking up with Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down.


2019 Year in Bling

For today’s Tuesday Topics, Kim and Zenaida are inviting everyone to share their bling for 2019. How fun!

While there were not a lot of races on my calendar this year – the ones I did run offered some great bling with great memories behind each one.

Boston’s Run to Remember Half Marathon

This race is one of my favorites – I love that it honors fallen first responders.

B.A.A 10K

This is another race I have run on multiple occasions – it’s a great run through Boston

Narragansett 10K

Such a fun race, despite the sweltering summer heat! Thankfully there was post-race beer!

No bling but a cute shirt!

Surftown Half Marathon

Half marathon #15 was a training run for the Chicago Marathon

International Chicago 5K & Chicago Marathon

Just an awesome weekend…and my first marathon!

Chocolate Marshmallow 5K

How can you not want to run a race with this name!

And that’s my year in bling! I can’t wait to add to the collection in 2020!



Chicago Training Week 12

Another week of marathon training is done. It is hard to believe that 6 weeks from today I’ll be running through the streets of Chicago!

Chicago Marathon Training Week 12

Monday — 6-mile run

Tuesday — Rest day! After running 4 days in a row for over 32 miles, to say I needed a break is an understatement!

Wednesday — 6-miles with J. This was a nice start of an extended long weekend for both of us! We then piled into the car with our boys to head to the Berkshires for an afternoon of kayaking. I had no idea kayaking on rapids could be so challenging! We had a blast and I was thoroughly exhausted.

Thursday — Unplanned rest day. When my alarm went off I just knew there was no way I was going for a run. I had a great call with my coach who agreed that a rest day was needed. I also got a much-needed massage.

Friday — 10-mile run. With plans to hit the road early on Saturday to move my son into his dorm, I moved my long run to Friday. J joined me for the first 7 miles which helped to keep me moving.

Saturday — Moving my son into his dorm should definitely count as cross-training, right?!

Sunday — 8-mile run. My husband surprised me by deciding to join me again! The weather was perfect and it was a nice way to start off a lazy, low-keyed Sunday. I was also able to snag an acupuncture appointment to help keep my recovery on track.

Chicago Marathon Training -12 weeks down and 6 to go! #mychicagomarathon #marathontraining #runchat @chimarathon Share on X

Total miles for the week – 30
Total miles on the road to Chicago – 288.3

I have to give a shoutout to my husband J for racking up 22.5 miles this week. He’s gearing up for a trail race in October and I really loved having some company on my runs!

I finished August with over 136 miles which I’m pretty happy about!

The week ahead

Overall I was pleased with my runs this week, but I’m not loving that I didn’t get any strength training in or any time on my mat. It was all about the run, and I know that if I don’t try to strike some balance, that is not a pattern I can sustain.

This week I’ll be sure to get back to my PT exercises and core work and hopefully a little cross-training. I’ll be running the Surftown Half as a training run next Sunday as part of a longer run – still not sure whether to run the additional miles before or after the race. I’m really looking forward to seeing Kim!

I’m linking up with Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down.


Weekly Wrap – Dealing with Mother Nature’s Antics

The theme for this week was definitely dealing with Mother Nature’s Antics.

Here’s how the week went down….

Monday — After a serious workout hauling the snow and ice that arrived on Sunday, I was feeling every ache and pain – DOMS was in full effect. Since it was MLK Day, I had the day off from work, and with the bitter sub-zero temps and weather advisory, it was the perfect recipe for a rest day.

Tuesday — 4-mile run. The roads and sidewalks were coated in ice so it was time to hit the mill.

Wednesday — Strength workout.

Thursday — Mother Nature decided to warm things up but threw in relentless wind and driving rain. Thankfully, I had plans to meet Coach Marc at the gym for some treadmill work. Marc videotaped me again and said he was really pleased with the progress I was making and the improvement in my form. We worked on a variety of drills before calling it a day with 4 miles done.

Friday — Fridays are usually my rest day and I was really feeling the need to lay low. So I embraced my rest day and made sure to pay a visit to the acupuncturist.

Saturday — Another ridiculously frigid morning. The plan was for 6-miles, but the reality was 3.25. It was just one of those runs were nothing felt good and despite all the layers, I couldn’t seem to warm up. I was just cold and miserable so instead of beating my head against the wall, I cut the run short.

Sunday — It was 32 degree which felt downright balmy! Time to get those missed miles from Saturday – 3 miles done. I followed up my run with another round of acupuncture.

The alternative theme for this week could have been dealing with the shoveling hangover! I felt really tired and achy most of the week  – it was like I had a shoveling hangover from last Sunday and never shook it. I tried to be smart with the extra rest day and a couple of sessions with the acupuncturist. I still need to work on getting more sleep so heading to bed earlier will be a big focus this week.

And that’s a wrap!

I’m joining Wendy and Holly for the Weekly Wrap.

How was your week? Are you dealing with the polar vortex too?


Final Runfessions of 2018

Believe it or not, it’s the last Friday of 2018, which means it’s time for the final runfessions for 2018. Marcia has opened the runfessional, so let’s dive in shall we?

I runfess that I definitely indulged over Christmas Eve and Christmas… and I’m just fine with that! Moving on…

As my social media feeds have been filling up with runners celebrating their mileage goals for the year, I runfess that I’ve been debating whether to set a mileage goal for 2019. I’ve never done one before but I’m wondering with marathon training if this is the year to go for it or does this just create undue pressure?

I runfess that I am just about at the end of my rope with my gym membership. On my last couple of trips to the gym, there were easily at least 4 cardio machines with notes on them announcing repairs needed; and this seems to be the norm more and more. Combine this with bad gym behavior and the soon to be New Year’s fitness resolution rush, and… you can see where I’m going with this.

Cleansing my sole with some final runfessions for 2018! #runfessions #runchat #fridayfive #runnerslife Share on X

I am super excited to return to more racing in 2019! Thanks to a nagging injury I ran just 4 races this year. And, while I certainly don’t think you need races to be a runner, I really enjoy both the camaraderie and challenge races provide. I runfess that with all the “early bird” registration specials coming across my email someone may have to hide my credit card!

I runfess that, being a mostly solo runner, that I was initially nervous about running with my new coach. But I’m happy to say that I’ve found the runs to be both challenging and enjoyable, and I am amazed at the difference these guided runs have already made. My husband has commented on the difference in my form and I can certainly feel a difference when I’m running. Makes me very hopeful for 2019!

So tell me what are you runfessing? Do you set yearly mileage goals?

I’m also linking up with Meranda and Lacy for Fridays with Fairytales and Fitness.


Runfessions for June

Happy Friday!

Marcia has opened the runfessional and I’ve got a few things to share, so let’s get to it, shall we?

I runfess that long runs and I don’t seem to be on speaking terms. I haven’t run longer than 8 miles in what feels like forever, and double-digit runs are all but a distant memory. With the oppressive humidity rolling in I’m feeling very little motivation to change this any time soon.

With that in mind, I runfess that I’ll probably be remixing at RnR Chicago with the 5K/10K combo – and I’m perfectly fine with that.

I runfess that I can’t take this yo-yo injury situation where one week I feel great and the next I’m hobbled so I finally went to see my doctor so I could get a referral for PT.

I runfess that I’ve been spending a fair amount of time lately reading running shoe reviews. Ever since my massage therapist suggested I stop running in the new Mizuno Skys I’ve been wondering if my Zealots need to be re-thought as well. They’re getting up there in mileage so I need to either start scouring the internet for deals on this model of Zealots or consider a new shoe. I’m toying with returning to the Brooks Adrenalines. Of course, all my woes will be resolved with the “perfect” shoes, right? 😉

I runfess that with a wide open fall in front of me I’m struggling with going local vs. destination races. As a Rock’n’Blogger, I receive free race entries, so beyond Chicago, I’m leaning towards running RnR Philly again in September, and my husband J wants to consider San Antonio if he can make his schedule work. And, while I always enjoy a racecation, it certainly starts to put a dent in the wallet. On the other hand, there’s no shortage of races around here in the fall and there is a lot to be said for rolling out of your own bed on race morning. I’m watching entry fees rise so I’m gonna need to make some decisions soon (especially if travel is involved!). What’a runner to do?!

So tell me, have you found your “perfect shoe”? Local vs destination races?

I’m also joining Rachel and Lacey & Meranda for the Friday Five link-up!


2017 Top Five Posts

I love this week between Christmas and New Year’s Day – there’s always some great time to hang out with the family, time to reflect, and time to plan for the new year.

While I’m still tweaking my goals a bit and will share those soon, today I’m sharing my annual look back at my top 5 posts for the year. It’s always interesting for me to see which posts generated the most interest  – so here are my top 5 for 2017 (according to Google Analytics):

5 Tips for Running on the Track — While the track is my favorite place for speedwork, it surprised me that this post from the summer continues to have the highest page views.

Running with Kids  — This is actually a post from 2014 but makes the list every year. Sharing my love of running with my kids has been a big part of my running journey, and it makes me smile to know that others are looking to share running with their kids too.

Runfessions of an Injured Runner — This was a hard post to write cause I had to admit that I was too injured to train for my fall goal race.

5 Benefits of Planking — Clearly I’m not the only one who believes in the power of planking as this is another post that continues to draw views.

Five Tips to Become an Early Morning Runner — Honestly, I’ve been struggling to get out of bed lately so I may need to re-read this one!

Given that this year’s top 5 were all Friday Five posts it seems only fitting that I’m linking up with and Rachel and Lacey & Meranda for the Friday Five link-up!

Thanks for sharing in the fun around here this year! 
