Runfessions Over Coffee

Well hello, Friday!

Maybe it’s playing catch-up after the holiday, but this was one crazy busy week and it went by in a flash. I am so ready for this weekend to begin! So let’s get things started with a little catch up over coffee…and a few runfessions thrown in for good measure 😉

Over coffee, I’d tell you that I’m wrapping up my third week of FASTer Way to Fat Loss. I won’t get on a scale until the end of the program, but I do feel like my clothes are fitting better – so that’s a win! While the FWFL program definitely has helped me to be more mindful of what I’m eating, I do runfess that there are days where constantly tracking my macros is making me a little crazy.

Over coffee, I’d tell you that I’m pretty excited to have made a return to acupuncture this past week! I have used acupuncture on and off over the years for a variety of things including migraines, blood pressure, and yes running injuries. When I started wrestling with my nagging hamstring/hip issue earlier this year, I started hunting for a new acupuncturist since my previous practitioner is no longer in the area. I’m psyched to have finally found one I like and am planning to go for another session this weekend!

Over coffee, I’d tell you that despite my love of kickboxing as a workout, I runfess that I realized the other day that I haven’t made it to a class in almost two months! Whoops! Between work and family schedules, getting to the studio for a class has been tough – I clearly need the flexibility to work out when it fits my schedule and not the other way around.

Over coffee, I’d tell you that I recently had my first experience of riding in the car with my son driving with his permit. Yeah, well I runfess that I’m either going to have to learn to seriously chill out or make my husband do all of the driving hours.

I’m linking up with Coco and Deborah for the Ultimate Coffee Date;

and with Marcia for Runfessions;

 and with Meranda & Lacey for the Fairytales and Fitness link-up

Any runfessions to share? What would you tell me over coffee? Do you regularly attend fitness classes?


5 things over November coffee

Happy Friday! And, hello November!

It’s time once again for one of my favorite link-ups – a time to dish a little about life happenings over a cup of coffee. So grab a mug of your favorite beverage and let’s join Coffee hosts Coco and Deborah and chat.

Over coffee, I’d tell you that we went out to visit my son at school for Fall Family Weekend last weekend, and had a great time! I continue to enjoy seeing him settling in and happy – does a momma’s heart a lot of good!

Over coffee, I’d tell you that I started a gratitude challenge on Instagram. I’ve been having a little bit of a pity party over the way my running’s been going (or not going) – combine that with work stress, election fatigue, etc. and I was just feeling the need for a bit of an attitude adjustment – And what better way than to focus on gratitude? So for the month of November, I’m doing a daily post on something I’m thankful for that day using #FocusingonGratitude. I’m hoping others will join in.

Over coffee, I’d tell you that I’m looking forward to taking on the FASTer Way to Fat Loss Program with Amy C. I’ve heard such good things about this program and have been curious for a while. And, I’ve known Amy for years, so when I learned that she had become a certified coach I knew I wanted to give it a try.

Over coffee, I’d tell you that in the ongoing world of house projects, I’m driving myself crazy trying to find the right shade of gray for our bedroom! Seriously, how could there possibly be so many!? But I have decided one of the most fun jobs would be naming the paint colors.

Over coffee, I’d tell you that I cannot believe that in less than 60 days 2018 will be history. Despite my desire for time to slow down just a little, I feel like the pace at which the days are moving is increasing. I was surprised by some of the posts showing up in my Facebook feed from friends who couldn’t wait to be done with Halloween so they could put up Christmas decorations – wait, what?! While I love the holiday season, I’d like to ease into it – not dive in full force without a parachute!

What would you tell me over coffee? Are you in a rush to get to the holidays? 

I’m also joining Fairytales and Fitness for the Friday Five linkup!


Time for a little October coffee

It’s time once again for one of my favorite link-ups – the Ultimate Coffee Date. A time to dish a little about life happenings over a cup of coffee. So grab a mug of your favorite beverage and let’s join Coffee hosts Coco and Deborah and chat.

Over coffee, I’d tell you that October is probably my favorite month. Fall is usually in full swing at this point but Mother Nature’s still playing her own little game of bait and switch with the weather. I am looking forward to doing all the fun fall things like apple picking, hiking and leaf peeping, evening fires on the patio, and afternoon football games. October is also my anniversary month – my husband and I will be celebrating 26 years!

Over coffee, I’d tell you that my oldest son was home last weekend from school. He had an “open” weekend, which means no classes on Monday so he came home Saturday after his cross country meet. To say it was wonderful having him home would be an understatement. Seeing him so settled and at ease made dropping him off Monday night a little easier…but just a little 🙂

Over coffee, I’d tell you that I would admit that having only one child at home has taken some getting used to. On the one hand, it’s nice to have the extra one-on-one time with my youngest – on the other hand, parenting a high schooler from afar can present its own set of challenges.

Over coffee, I’d tell you that those house projects I mentioned last month over coffee are still waiting for me to get started. September was just non-stop and when I did have downtime, truthfully, all I wanted to do was veg. But I’m feeling re-inspired to freshen things up around here before the holidays come. I spent far too much time on Pinterest this past week and am planning to pick up paint samples for our home office this weekend. I also think I have convinced my husband our family room couch needs to be replaced. We’ll see how much I get accomplished over the next couple of months.

And, speaking of house projects, over coffee, I’d tell you that we had an HVAC contractor out to the house the other day to give us estimates for a new furnace/heating system and possibly central air. After hearing the estimates I seriously wonder sometimes if I picked the wrong profession! Do you think it’s too late to go back to school?!

So what would you tell me over coffee? Do you ever feel like you’re being taken for a ride by a contractor?

I’m also linking up with  Rachel and Meranda and Lacey for the Friday Five.


New Season, New Beginnings

I don’t know about you but the start of September always feels like a second “new year”. Maybe it’s the start of the school year, returning to a routine, or tucking summer neatly away in the rearview mirror, but I’ve always looked at the fall as a time for new beginnings. And who doesn’t love a fresh start?

Although it’s far from feeling like Fall weather-wise, I’m ready to embrace all the potential that the new month and new season has to offer. So let’s kick off this new month with a quick catch-up over coffee and join Coco and Deborah for the Ultimate Coffee Date.

Over coffee, I’d tell you that we’ll be dropping my oldest son off at school today. I’m both nervous and excited for him – I know in my heart this new school will be a good fit for him but, despite having all summer to get used to the idea of him being a boarder, I admit I’m still not ready to let him go.

Over coffee, I’d tell you that he’ll be home for his first long weekend at the end of the month and I’m already making plans for that weekend 😉

Over coffee, I’d tell you that with my youngest son asking more and more to go for a run I was holding out hope that my youngest son would choose to run middle school cross country this fall. But, he’s announced that he’ll be playing flag football instead. At least it’s flag and not full contact! I don’t think I could take being on the sidelines for that!

Love this picture from his birthday run!

Over coffee, I’d tell you that I’m itching to take on another house project or two. We’ve been sampling paint colors for the exterior as the house is long overdue for a paint job. And with my son away and not using the office for homework, I want to clean, paint, and reclaim it as my own (I work from home, but almost always keep my laptop in the family room.)

What would you tell me over coffee? Are you a fan of fall?


August Coffee Catch Up

Happy Friday!

I am so ready for this weekend to begin! It’s always nice to kick things off with a little catch up over coffee. I’m grabbing an iced one today – how about you?

If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that the heat and humidity have returned with a vengeance! With nothing to train for at the moment, I can feel my motivation to face the swampy mess fading fast.  I’ve been eyeing a couple of fall races and once I get a handle on my husband’s work travel, it will be time to hit the registration button.

If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that I’m now officially living in a house of teenagers! My “baby” turned 13 last weekend, and the older brother turns 16 on Monday. Enough said…heaven help me!

If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that after 2 weekends of hard work, the patio is in and we’re enjoying it. Now I’m on the hunt for the right furniture and some decorative plantings to finish it off. It’s been a great spot to enjoy a cocktail (or two) and an evening fire.

If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that I am really looking forward to taking some time off at the end of this month. I’m starting to feel fried at work and let’s just say some days I’m short on patience!

If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that while I can’t wait to get to my time off I’m not ready for the summer to end and school to begin. These days are just flying by far too quickly for me, and there is still so much I want to do before getting back to the routine of homework and school sports. If I could just make August about 2 or 3 weeks longer that would be perfect 😉

What would you tell me over coffee? What have you got planned for August?

I’m joining up with my friends Deborah and Coco for the Ultimate Coffee Date, as well as linking up with  Rachel and Meranda and Lacey for the Friday Five.


July Coffee Catch Up

Well hello, July! How about a quick catch up over coffee?

If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that I feel like I’m being pushed to my limits with this heat. I’m trying hard to stay positive on my runs, but physically I don’t ever remember struggling so much with even the easiest of runs. Is it hotter this year? Is it just age? Let’s go with it being hotter, LOL!

If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that despite it being hotter than Hades, we’ve made great progress on our patio project. We’re laying pavers tomorrow and will hopefully be done by the end of the weekend!

If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that there is quite the crew of bloggers heading to RnR Chicago and I cannot wait to catch-up with everyone! It’s been a while since I’ve been able to slip out of town for a few days – the change of scenery and the company will be great! (While I know it’s getting late for Chicago, don’t forget you can use code RNRRNB2018 for $15 off on RnR half marathons and marathons).

Chicago here I come!

If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that I’ve been loving the slower pace of the summer as it’s given me a chance to come up for air and catch up with friends. Whether for a power walk, cocktails, or dinner out I’ve been trying to catch up with a friend at least once a week. After feeling like I’ve just been plowing through “must do’s” over the past couple of months, it’s good to get re-connected!

If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that I’m really enjoying kickboxing even more than I thought I would! Such a great totally body workout…and never underestimate the stress-relieving benefits of hitting something.

I’m linking up with Coco and Deborah for the Ultimate Coffee Date.

I’m also linking up with Meranda, Lacey, and Rachel for the Friday Five.

What would you tell me over coffee? Tell me something you’ve been loving lately?


5 Things for June Coffee

It’s June 1st people! I cannot believe the pace at which 2018 is clipping by. Let’s snag a moment to sit down and catch up over coffee.

If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that we survived “May Madness” in my house – it was a mix of chaos, fun, and stress. Today is the last day of school for my youngest, and for my high schooler, he’s just one more exam away from wrapping up what has been a very challenging year. We’re all ready to collectively exhale and head into the summer.

If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that I’m obsessed with transforming the outdoor spaces around my house. I’ve been clearing flower beds and hauling mulch like crazy. My mom and I made our first of many trips to one of our favorite local nurseries for some new additions for the garden, and of course, I wanted to buy everything! I’ve convinced my husband this is the year to revamp our tiny patio and I’ve got ideas about expanding the border gardens. Ah, the dangers of Pinterest 🙂

If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that I’m eyeing one more big addition for the yard  –  a She Shed! I have visions of a quiet spot for yoga, meditation…to breathe. I’ve got a corner of the yard staked out. It won’t happen this summer, but I’m a woman on a mission so heaven help my husband!

If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that I got a Kindle Paperwhite for Mother’s Day and I’m looking to load it up with some good reads.

If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that on the fitness front I’m getting bored with my cross-training – or perhaps I’m just growing bored with my gym. I’m feeling like I need to mix things up a little, but not sure what I want to try – barre class? OrangeTheory? Kickboxing?

I’m linking up with Coco and Deborah for the Ultimate Coffee Date.

I’m also linking up with Meranda, Lacey, and Rachel for the Friday Five.

What would you tell me over coffee? Any suggestions for my summer reading list?


May Coffee Talk

I’m linking up with Coco and Deborah for the Ultimate Coffee Date, so grab a mug and let’s chat!

If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that after two straight months of starting our little coffee chats complaining about the winter that would not leave, Mother N has done an abrupt 180. We’re now suddenly in the throws of summer with temps hitting 91 degrees! What the heck?! I’m chalking it up to a hot flash and hoping we haven’t just skipped spring altogether this year.

If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that my Keurig stopped working earlier this week, and I will admit to having a mini-meltdown. Yeah…”no morning coffee” is just not a phrase I’m comfortable with so I’ve been visiting the local Dunkin Donuts daily and will be buying a new coffee maker this weekend!

If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that I’m bracing myself for what we affectionally refer to in my house as “May Madness” – highlights will include dashing from field to field shuttling the boys to their lax games, along with juggling all the year-end school projects, papers, and events.

And, speaking of school, if we were having coffee, I’d tell you that the reality that my boys will be done with school by the first week of June has smacked me squarely in the face. I’m behind in my summer planning and there are many open weeks with nothing planned. While I don’t need to have every moment for them scheduled, too much idle time can get ugly!

So, now, what would you tell me over coffee?


It’s time for April coffee

As we ease into a new month, this is the perfect time to settle in and catch up over coffee. I’m linking up with Coco and Deborah for the Ultimate Coffee Date, so grab a mug of your fave hot beverage and let’s chat.

If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that it’s deja vu all over again. Just like March’s coffee date I cannot believe that I’m still dealing with snow. We got hit with a freak storm yesterday that made visibility on the roads tough and more is expected on Tuesday. I can’t whine about this winter anymore so I’ll just move on…

If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that once the weather does settle down I cannot wait to get out in my garden and get planting. I have two gardens around my house (one sun and one shade) and they are both in need of some redesign – removing old plants that are past their blooming prime and relocating others that have gotten too big. I’ve been pouring over garden catalogs and sketching out some new layouts, and I’m itching to get started!

If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that I’ve just finished reading The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod (Affiliate link) and my curiosity is peaked. Elrod’s premise is that by intentionally managing your routine during the first hour of the day you can set the stage for success across many areas of your life. He provides guides on how to do this and elements he recommends be part of your routine. I’m going to try his 30 day challenge, and have wrangled my husband into joining me.

If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that lacrosse season officially kicks off in my house this weekend as both boys have their first games! With both boys playing across 3 teams, we’ve got a lot of games on the calendar over the next couple of months. This is always a crazy hectic time of year for us, but I love that this is a sport our whole family enjoys!

What would you tell me over coffee? 


Coffee and a Nor’easter

The winds are still gusting here following yesterday’s Nor’easter, and if my neighborhood is any example than I can only imagine that there are tree branches and other debris all over the roads. Happily, our power’s back on so I can fire up the Keurig and snuggle up on the couch with a mug of hot coffee and have a little catch-up. I’m linking up with Coco and Deborah for the Ultimate Coffee Date, so grab a mug of your fave hot beverage and let’s chat.

If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that I cannot believe that Thursday I was on Cape Cod for a meeting and it was a beautiful day in the mid-60s, then yesterday we got hit with a raging Nor’easter. The winds were so fierce at times that it literally sounded like a roar. You know it’s bad when I opened the door to the mudroom to let my dog out and he just sat there looking at me like I had to be joking.

And, while on the subject of the weather, if we were having coffee, I’d tell you that I’m already stalking the forecast for my  “race”, aka training run with benefits, scheduled for next Saturday. I’ve been such a fair-weather runner this winter and I’m hoping that doesn’t come back to bite in the arse. So far the forecast shows a clear day in the 40s – fingers-crossed that will hold up.

If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that my son’s been hounding me to sign him up for driver’s ed, and meanwhile, I’m having a hard time processing that he’s inching ever closer to turning 16. A couple of the neighborhood kids recently got their licenses and every time one of them drives past me on our street it throws me for a loop because in my mind’s eye all I can see are the little kids who use to run around my backyard.

If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that I’ve been feeling super stretched lately. Things on all fronts seem to be running in high gear all at the same time and it has left me feeling drained. “Busy” has quickly become a four-letter word but I’m working on regaining some sense of balance.

If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that while I usually enjoy watching the Oscars I don’t think I’ve seen one movie that has been nominated this year. In fact, I haven’t paid attention at all to the awards season and have no idea who are supposed to be the favorites. I’m not sure if I’ll watch on Sunday, but I’ll probably tune in to catch the red carpet – which is often more entertaining than the Oscars themselves 😉

What would you tell me over coffee? Did you deal with the crazy weather yesterday? Will you be watching the Oscars?
