October Coffee Date

Hello Friday!

Who’s ready for the weekend?! I know that I am. So how about we start things off by catching up over coffee. Grab a mug and let’s join  Coco and Deborah for this month’s Ultimate Coffee Date.

October Ultimate Coffee Date

Over coffee, I would tell you that we are once again experiencing weather whiplash around here. After getting a nice tease of fall, September finished on a serious warm note and October arrived here with temps in the upper 80s! What the what?! Thankfully, the forecast shows things returning to normal fall conditions this weekend.

Over coffee, I would tell you that my hubby J and I will be celebrating our 27th wedding anniversary on Friday. He’s being a good sport about spending half the day traveling to Chicago and then letting me drag him all over the expo. We do have a nice dinner out planned and may hit a blues club.

Over coffee, I would tell you that I’m working on a new marathon playlist. While I’m planning on not turning my music on until the second half of the course, I want to have enough tunes ready just in case.

Over coffee, I would tell you that I’m looking forward to going out to visit my oldest son for parents weekend later this month! There’s supposed to be a big presentation by the college counseling office laying out the whole process. We’ve already received a letter from the office encouraging students to start checking out colleges during vacation breaks. I just can’t believe we’ve reached this point – time’s going by way too fast!

What would you tell me over coffee? Any suggestions for my playlist?


September coffee talk

Happy Friday!

It is Friday, right? Coming off a long weekend I swear I lose track of what day it is! It’s time for a little catch-up over coffee so I’m joining Coco and Deborah for the Ultimate Coffee Date.

September Ultimate Coffee Date

Over coffee, I would tell you that having time off from work at the end of August was just what the doctor ordered! I was starting to feel absolutely fried. Having some time to step away, gain a fresh perspective, and just chill did me a world of good.

Hitting the pause button was just what I needed!

Over coffee, I would tell you that both of my boys started school this past week. We’re all trying to regain our “school rhythm”. I will admit it usually takes a week or two to really feel like we’re back in the groove.

Over coffee, I would tell you that it is starting to feel a lot like fall around here as the mornings and evenings have cooled off. I am loving it! I make no secret that fall is my favorite time of year – I am definitely a jeans, sweater, and boots kinda girl.

Over coffee, I would tell you how excited I am to have been selected as part of the launch team for the book The Joy of Missing Out. I’m a big fan of Tonya Dalton’s podcasts and YouTube videos, not to mention her InkWell Press planners, so I’m really looking forward to reading her book. JOMO is about letting go of the constant need to do more, and instead focusing on what’s most important to you. I’m all for that! My pre-launch copy is on its way now so I’ll be sure to share more once I get a chance to dive in. If you’re interested, you can pre-order here.

What would you tell me over coffee? Are you looking forward to fall weather?


August Coffee Date

Hello August!

It’s the first weekend of the month and time to catch up over coffee. I’m joining Coco and Deborah for the Ultimate Coffee Date.

August Ultimate Coffee Date

Over coffee, I would tell you about the sheer chaos going on at my house at the moment. The painters we hired back in May have finally started working on our house. Thanks to a ridiculously rainy spring, they have been way behind schedule and were just able to start work here last week. After agonizing over paint colors, I cannot wait to see the final product!

Over coffee, I would tell you that the back-to-school drumbeat is starting to get louder and no one in my house wants to listen! I have started to quietly nag suggest that my boys start diving into their required reading books. But, I admit I cannot bring myself to brave the school supplies aisle at Target yet.

Over coffee, I would tell you that I’m really looking forward to taking some days off at the end of the month! This summer has just flown by far too quickly for me. There is still much left on my summer wishlist, so now the trick is to maximize my days off and still feel rested come Labor Day.

What would you tell me over coffee? Do you have any time off planned?


Recapping the BAA 10K over coffee

I hope everyone (in the States) had a great 4th! I was so happy to get to this extended long weekend to just kick back and unwind a little. So as I laze away on my deck, it seems like the perfect time to join Coco and Deborah for the Ultimate Coffee Date!

Recapping the BAA 10K over Coffee

Over coffee, I would tell you that I cannot believe that it’s been almost two weeks since I ran the BAA 10K! I know, I know, how many times can I mention how fast time is flying by? But it really is!

Over coffee, I would tell you that my goals were simple – beat last year’s time, conquer the long hill through Boston University’s campus, and have fun! Check, check, and check! Given how cool, rainy, and mild the temps had been, the heat on race day was super tough – especially with so little shade on the course. So my brother and decided to walk each water stop (thankfully there was one every mile!) and just try to keep a nice steady pace. We did see a couple of people go down around mile 4 – the heat was no joke!

Over coffee, I would tell you to run this race if you get the chance! It is super well-organized, and even with 10,000 runners, it never felt too crowded. The volunteers, especially at the water stops, were awesome and super encouraging! And the course itself is a great little out and back tour of Boston’s Back Bay, Kenmore Square, and part of the BU campus. The Boston Athletic Association always puts on a great race and this one did not disappoint.

Great to see Jose from @Andsoitburns working one of the water stops!

Over coffee, I would tell you that I had so much fun running this race with my brother! When we did this race last year, I was seriously hobbled and had urged him to run ahead and not let me hold him back – so it was especially enjoyable to run together this year. This was my third time running this race and I’ve already got it penciled in for next year!

Do you have races you love to run again and again? What would you tell me over coffee?


May Runfessions over Coffee

In typical May fashion, this month just flew by, and now we’re standing on the doorstep of June. Marcia has opened the Runfessional and Coco and Deborah are inviting everyone to catch up at the Ultimate Coffee Date, so let’s dive in and chat a bit.

If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that we made it through all of the concerts, lacrosse games, and other various school events, and have officially entered summer mode in the RWA household! My oldest came home from school Wednesday and the youngest finished his last exam yesterday! That sound you hear is the collective exhale as we survived another round May Madness.

If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that I am starting to feel like Mother Nature is punking me. I spent forever tracking down just the right new furniture for both our deck and patio and, with the exception of Memorial Day Weekend, it’s been too rainy and cold to enjoy any outdoor time.

And, speaking of Memorial Day Weekend, while the weather was beautiful, I runfess the heat during Sunday’s race left me dreading running in the summer weather to come. I spent this month transitioning back to early morning runs, and I runfess I’ve already started to wonder just how early I’m going to have to get up to make the double-digit long runs of marathon training even remotely tolerable.

If we were having coffee I would tell you that after learning a couple of months ago from Coach Marc that he prefers the Hansons Marathon Method (affiliate link!) of training, I debated whether to order the book or just take the training as it comes. Well, I runfess that curiosity got the better of me and I recently ordered the book and devoured it in a couple of sittings. I am now both equal parts excited and terrified! LOL! Sometimes ignorance is bliss!

So what would you tell me over coffee? Any runfessions to share?


May Coffee with a side of April Runfessions

Happy Friday!

This week went by in a blink but with a fun weekend to look forward to, I’m not complaining! So how about we get this Friday started with a little catch up over coffee.

I’m joining Coco and Deborah for the Ultimate Coffee Date. And, for an added bonus, Marcia’s opened the Runfessional and I’ve got a few things to share.

If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that I’ve really been looking forward to this weekend – we’re going to see Alvin Ailey on Saturday and the Avengers Endgame on Sunday!

If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that around here we can see the finish line of another school year, as both of my boys will finish classes by the end of the month. I runfess that as I look the calendar filled to the brim with all of the end-of-school-year events, in addition to the lacrosse games, the boys’ exam schedules…and oh yeah I’ve got a half marathon coming up, I seriously wonder how it’s all going to get done. But that’s typical May Madness around here and somehow we always find a way to make it happen.

If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that I’m turning into a bit of a paranoid runner. I mentioned in my last weekly run down that I seem to be finding my running legs. In fact, April was a great month of pain-free running which I’m celebrating but I runfess, given my recent history, part of me is holding my breath waiting to see if the other shoe will drop.

If we were having coffee, I would tell you that after fully indulging during our vacation that I quietly returned to counting my macros during April. While I dropped a few pounds and, better still, a couple of inches off my waist, I runfess that I find the whole process of tracking just too annoying to continue.

So what would you tell me over coffee? Any runfessions to share?


April Coffee Talk

Happy Friday!

Who’s ready for the weekend?! I know that I am. So how about we start things off by catching up over coffee. Grab a mug and let’s join  Coco and Deborah for this month’s coffee date.

If we were having coffee, I would tell you that with our spring break now in the rearview mirror, I’m already trying to figure out the next family vacation! I don’t think I realized just how fried I was until I hit the cruise ship. While there probably won’t be another big trip this summer, I’m looking forward to some day trips, long weekends, and some quiet “staycation” days hanging on the patio.

If we were having coffee, I would tell you that April means lacrosse season is in full swing in my house! My mudroom once again looks like an equipment supply closet and I’m looking forward to traveling around New England to watch both of my boys play.

If we were having coffee, I would tell you that, while I do love lacrosse season, it wreaks havoc with my ability to schedule a spring race as there always seems to be a conflict. Case in point, it looks like I’m going to have to take a pass on the Portland 10 Miler at the end of this month thanks to a combination of a lax tournament and J traveling for work. Thankfully, the race offers bib transfers! (Why don’t more races provide this option?!)

If we were having coffee, I would tell you that the other thing I love about April is getting back into my gardens! I love how creative gardening can be and it just gives me another reason to spend time outdoors. I’ve been perusing gardening catalogs for ideas and am looking forward to my first trip to the local nurseries.

Source: Getty Images

What would you tell me over coffee? What are you looking to this month?


Cruising into March Coffee

Hello March! 

(And February..don’t let the door hit you on the way out!)

Can you tell I’m ready for a new month? 😉 And, since it’s the first Friday of the month what better way to start March than with a little catch up over coffee. So grab a mug of your favorite hot beverage and let’s join  Coco and  Deborah for this month’s coffee date.

If we were having coffee, I would have to briefly whine … er, mention the weather. While we flirted with a couple of mild days in February, there was also a fair amount of ice and some really brutal winds. The weather whiplash definitely had me running indoors far more than I would like. And, given this weekend’s forecast, it looks like March will be coming in like a lion…we can only hope the rest of the saying holds up!

If we were having coffee, I would tell you that we finally booked our vacation. We poured over lots of options and even hit a travel expo trying to settle on a plan. I’m happy to say we’ll be cruising again for spring break! We took a cruise a few years ago and absolutely loved it so I can’t wait to get on board!

Looking forward to calling this home for a week!

If we were having coffee, I would tell you that this vacation is coming at a perfect time. I feel like things have been crazy busy on all fronts and I’m starting to feel just a little fried. Vacation will be the perfect pause button.

If we were having coffee, I’d ask if you have any good book suggestions? I’m looking for a few titles to load on my Kindle – good pool-side reads…and dare I say it, perhaps something non-running related. While I’d like to do more reading this year I will admit I have yet to pick up a book.

So what would you tell me? Any vacation plans? Ever tried cruising?


Five things over February Coffee

Well Hello, February!

Please tell me I’m not the only one who thought January went by hella fast?! As we usher in a new month it’s time for a little catch-up over coffee, so I’m joining Coco and Deborah for the Ultimate Coffee Date – let’s chat!

If we were having coffee, we would, of course, have to talk about this ridiculous weather. I am so tired of hearing the words “polar vortex” and there’s still so much more winter ahead.

If we were having coffee, I would tell you how much I’m looking forward to this weekend. My oldest son comes home from school for a 4-day weekend…and then there’s the matter of a little football game with my hometown team!

Over coffee back in November, I shared that I was on the quest for the “right shade” of gray paint for my bedroom.  Well, if we were having coffee, I would tell you that after painting swatch after swatch on my walls, and more trips to the paint store than I care to count, we finally settled on a color! Painting is underway and I’m loving what I see so far!

Benjamin Moore Gray Owl

And speaking of ongoing searches, if we were having coffee, I would tell you that we’re knee-deep in vacation brochures trying to settle on a destination for a spring break getaway. Initially, we’d hoped to do another cruise, but had no luck aligning ports of call we liked with our available travel dates. So now the debate has begun, do we head to a beach? Drive the west coast? Disney/Universal Studios?

If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that I’m heading off on a field trip later this morning to have a Dexa scan, which is a full body composition scan, measuring muscle mass, body fat, and bone density. I’m looking forward to learning more.

So what would you tell me over coffee? Any vacation suggestions?

I’m also linking up with Meranda and Lacy for Fridays with Fairytales and Fitness.


New Year’s Ultimate Coffee 2019

Happy New Year!

Catching up with friends over a big mug of coffee sounds like a great way to help kick off this new year so I’m joining Coco and Deborah for the first Ultimate Coffee Date of 2019!

If we were having coffee, I would tell you that I really enjoyed the holidays. It was great family time and I loved having the Christmas week off from work. While I did race around a bit like a chicken with my head cut off the week prior, the holiday week I was able to totally kick back and relax, and I did my best to soak up every moment of the downtime.

If we were having coffee, I would tell you that having the time off has left me craving for a “real” vacation. We didn’t take a family vacation last year, but I’ve already got my sights set on the boys’ spring break time in March – now the question is where to go?

If we were having coffee, I would also tell you that I took advantage of the downtime to also reflect on the past year and start to set some goals for 2019. For the past few years, I’ve picked one word as the theme for my year across all areas of my life  – and this year my word is Intentional. With the “busy-ness” of life it is too easy to move through the days on autopilot and before you know it days…or weeks have just flown by. My ultimate goal is to be more intentional in the habits I form, in my career choices, in my home life…I think you get the picture.

My 2019 Fitness/Running Goals:

  • Run a marathon — This was top of my list last year, but was derailed first by family schedules and secondly by injury. But I’ve got my sights firmly locked in on Chicago and know with Coach Marc’s help I will reach that starting line ready to take on 26.2!
  • Stay off injured-reserve — This will encompass a variety of things including consistent “pre-hab”, strength training 2x’s/week, and continuing to incorporate the Chi Running focuses Coach Marc has me working on. I also think Marc will keep me from powering through when I should be backing off.
  • Make sleep a priority —  I am a notoriously bad sleeper and when things get crazy, sleep can easily get pushed to the bottom of my list. My goal is to do a much better job of going to bed early and not falling asleep while watching late night TV on the couch.
  • Mind what I’m eating — While tracking my macros during the FASTer Way to Fat Loss program, I realized just how little protein I’ve been consuming. I don’t plan to continue to actively track my macros (though never say never), I will continue to be mindful of upping my protein intake.
Sharing goals over coffee #oneword #livingintentionally #yearofthemarathon Share on X

So what would you tell me over coffee? Have you set any goals for the new year?
