A May Runfession or Two

It’s the last Friday of the month, which means it’s time to come clean with some Runfessions! Be sure to check out what our host Marcia and others are confessing!


I runfess that in sharing my race week ambivalence with a good friend over lunch yesterday, it became crystal clear to me that the only reason I was still considering running this Sunday was due to some twisted negative self-talk that I needed to “man-up” (or is that “woman-up”?) and not wimp out. This is not a good reason to run.

I’m all for a good challenge and pushing myself in a race but I runfess that I’m not interested in hobbling through just for the sake of saying I did it – especially if I just risk doing more harm than good.

While I’m disappointed that this whole training cycle didn’t come together as I’d hoped, I runfess that I will not regret sleeping in on Sunday morning and living to race another day.

I runfess that I’m already mapping out fall races 🙂 (Please tell me I’m not the only one who does this!)

So c’mon share…what do you runfess? 


February Runfessions

February is flying by and it’s already the last Friday of the month, which means it’s time to come clean with some Runfessions! Be sure to check out what our host Marcia and others are confessing!


I’m trying my best to follow the chiro’s orders of no running this week, which has been extremely hard given Mother Nature’s sudden spring preview. I runfess that I have twice laced up my running shoes, but I held off. Whether I make it through this weekend is a tough call…

And speaking of the spring preview, I runfess that I’d be perfectly happy for this little weather trend to continue. While it has been a mild winter by New England standards, I have just had zero desire to deal with the cold this year. And now that we’ve had a taste of spring, I just can’t go back!

Trainer Stacy, who I’ve been working with for a while is taking a new job, and her new gym isn’t even remotely close. Without her to kick my butt…push me, I gymfess that I’m worried my gym time intensity will slack off.

Clearly my lack of running is not stopping me from buying new running gear. I runfess that I may have done a little shopping with Skirt Sports…I may need an intervention!

(By the way if you want to join me in my madness, use code 1SSCAPT20 to save 20 by 3/31 and save 20%)

So c’mon share…what do you runfess? 


January Runfessions

Happy Friday!

It’s the last Friday of the month so, of course that means it’s time to share some runfessions! Thanks to Marcia for this always entertaining linkup!


Runfession: I have just a few days left in this month’s Winter Challenge, and I runfess that I’m ready to be done. I have so enjoyed the camaraderie of the other women on the BGR team, but I’m just not a streaker.

Runfession:  I’ve been a little…shall we say cranky since my slip on the oil slick. With the strength work I’ve been doing I was feeling pretty strong, and so this setback feels a little deflating.

Runfession: On the brighter side, spending more time in the gym cross training means I’ve been witness to a whole new group of gym characters! I confess it is pure entertainment and does make the time go by – though I wish I could unsee the older gentleman  who insists on wearing sheer tank tops (just no!)…and can someone please explain to me why 20-something guys think jeans are workout wear?

Runfession: It’s only January and I already may have to alter my race calendar. Family schedules are conspiring against me, and short of cloning myself I may end up having to take a pass on next week’s 5 miler. Luckily I had procrastinated registering so I won’t be out any money.

Runfession: I have fallen hard off the early morning workout wagon. It’s just been way too easy to just hit the snooze …ok 3 times…and then there’s no time to workout before the getting the kids to school, work, etc. But I dislike the feeling of trying to jam a workout in late in the day, so it’s time to chase down that wagon and climb back on.

5 Runfessions for January! What do you runfess? #runchat Share on X

So c’mon share…what do you runfess? 

I’m also joining Rachel from Running on Happy and Lacey & Meranda from Fairytales and Fitness for the Friday Five link-up! frifive2


Runfessions – Thanksgiving edition

Happy Friday!

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! I’m still on the road hanging with the in-laws, but am taking a short break to join in to share some runfessions with Marcia and others. Come join us and cleanse your sweaty soul!


Runfession: I took a full week off from running after my Vegas adventure …and I didn’t miss it! I was t-i-r-e-d y’all and my body was clearly craving some down time.

Runfession:  My eating habits have gone way off the rails. I mentioned that there was some “indulging” in Vegas (how could there not be?!), but things have not improved greatly since then. Time to reel it in!

Runfession: Last month I runfessed, or gym-fessed, that I missed the gym crazies…well ask and ye shall receive! They have returned to my gym with a vengeance including the guy who insists on working out in jeans. I’m glad they’re back – they make going to the gym so much more entertaining 😉

Runfession: Over coffee earlier this month I had mentioned my casual desire for a new sports watch. Well now that I’ve started looking it’s turned into a full on obsession! I’ve been stalking product reviews like a champ, and am now dropping less than subtle hints to my husband. I’m keeping my fingers crossed the Forerunner 235 will be mine (…such first world problems, I know!).

Runfession: And speaking of first world problems…I continue to wrestle with local vs. destination races. While I have loved traveling these past 3 months for the Rock ‘n’ Roll races, there is a lot to be said for rolling out of your own bed on race morning, (easier on the wallet too, I might add!). If I want to take advantage of some great “early bird” registration deals on some local races I’ll need to pull the trigger soon, but that means giving up some destination races I’ve been eyeing. What’s a runner to do?!

I’m also joining Rachel from Running on Happy and Lacey & Meranda from Fairytales and Fitness for the Friday Five link-up! frifive2

So tell me, what do you runfess? Have you started race shopping yet?

Runfessions October 2016

A quick check of my past posts shows I haven’t runfessed since July – How is that possible?! What are Runfessions you ask? A fun link-up hosted by Marcia from Marcia’s Healthy Slice where she encourages everyone to share their confessions about your runs, swims or gym time…a chance to cleanse your sweaty soul.

So here we go…


Runfession #1 — While I do rotate my shoes, more often than not I grab my Saucony Zealots ISO – love this shoe! And the miles have been adding up, so I thought I’d buy a new pair. The reviews on the ISO 2 are a bit of a mixed bag – (why do running shoe companies feel the need to mess with a good thing?!) So I’ve taken to scouring the web in search of the originals. I recently scored a new pair at half the price…I’m tempted to buy more and just hoard them away.


Runfession #2 — While I am really looking forward to running the #StripatNight in Vegas, my training mojo has gone MIA. The downside of running multiple races over the past couple of months is that I feel like I’ve been following a training plan for a long time…looking forward to just running for a while.

Runfession #3 —  Of course, while I say I’m looking forward to taking a break from training, I’m already starting to map out my 2017 races. (Please tell me I’m not the only one!)

Runfession #4 — I look forward to running Sunday’s 5K with my son, but I confess that I miss the days when I could keep up with him. He’ll be waiting for me at the finish…

Runfession #5 — I miss my gym crazies! In the past I’ve shared stories of some of the more interesting characters/behavior I’ve observed at my gym. Well, of late things have been downright normal…and I must admit I’m bored. Gym crazies definitely help to keep it interesting and pass the time 😉

It's time for #Runfessions! Link up with @teamarcia and share! Share on X

OK so now it’s your turn….what do you run-fess?  Do you hoard shoes?

I’m also joining Rachel from Running on Happy and Lacey & Meranda from Fairytales and Fitness for the new Friday Five link-up! frifive2


Friday Five: July Runfessions

We’re at the end of another month (How is that possible?!?!), which means it’s time for the July edition of Runfessions – a chance to share your confessions about your runs, swims or gym time. Link up with Marcia from Marcia’s Healthy Slice and join us!

Runfession #1 — OK let’s just get this one out of the way…the heat and humidity have been relentless and I am so done! Sadly, we haven’t even reached August yet.


Runfession #2 — Needless to say that this heat is really testing my mental game. I think I need to find a mantra to focus on when things get tough…might be better than cursing like a sailor which I’ve been known to do lately. I’ve been trying out a couple of phrases but nothing’s caught on yet.

Runfession #3 — I may have scolded a man at the track yesterday. Bad enough he was pushing a stroller on the track, but for some unknown reason, he made a u-turn in the middle of his lap and decided to head the wrong way and in my lane. Seriously?! The only thing that kept me from letting lose a curse word or two is that he did have a child with him.

Runfession #4 — Remember my eavesdropper from the gym? Well I spied her the other day and I’m happy to report that she finally got a trainer of her own. I must admit it took some self-control to not go over and hover while she was working out 😉

Runfession #5 — And speaking of the gym, I must confess I felt a little bada$$ the other day when I finished my strength session with Trainer Stacey and caught the looks of surprise on a couple of the high school guys working out nearby. They clearly didn’t think someone their mother’s age could haul so weights!

rp_Runfessions-300x294-300x294-300x294.jpg OK so now it’s your turn….what do you run-fess?  Do you use mantras?




I’m also joining Courtney, Mar and Cynthia for the Friday Five


My May Runfessions

We’re at the end of another month which means it’s time for the May edition of Runfessions – a chance to share your confessions about your runs, swims or gym time. Link up with Marcia from Marcia’s Healthy Slice and join us!


Runfession #1 — I’ve been feeling really off these last couple of weeks.  I’ve managed to get my workouts in, but my energy level has been pretty low, and the runs are turtle slow.  Now to figure out if this is nutrition based …

Runfession #2 —  Speaking of nutrition, I confess that I have seriously dropped the ball on my food journaling. In fact I may have lasted just a week or so. I know it can be effective, but I just found it mind-numbing.

The count

Runfession #3 —  I have finally lost all patience with my Forerunner 10 – you kind of lose the effect of the early morning run if you have to wait forever to find a satellite. Given my aforementioned turtle pace, I’m just fine with running “naked.”

Runfession #4 — Remember my gym eavesdropper? Well I confess that during my training session last week I may have given her some serious stink-eye…and she’s moved on 🙂

Runfession #5 —  My husband J just signed up to join me in Sunday’s race. While I had no serious goals for this race, I must admit that part of me is feeling a little competitive now…

OK so now it’s your turn….what do you run-fess?  


I’m also joining Courtney, Mar and Cynthia for the Friday Five


April Runfessions

Welcome to the April edition of Runfessions – a chance to share your confessions about your runs, swims or gym time. Link up with Marcia from Marcia’s Healthy Slice and join us!


Runfession #1 — I continue to enjoy my strength workouts and time in the gym far more than my runs and that’s fine with me. I know that my body needs to get stronger before I start really piling on the miles.

Runfession #2 —  Given that my weekly mileage is still on the lower side, I’m seriously leaning towards dropping down from the half to the 5-miler for the upcoming Run to Remember. I know what being in half marathon shape feels like and I’m not there yet…but I will be.

Runfession #3 — While I know the strength training is going to pay off, I’m still feeling very restless about my running – like it’s time to do something different…maybe try a new way to train. Do you ever feel that way? I just listened to the Another Mother Runner podcast on heart rate training and I’ll admit I’m a little intrigued.

Runfession #4 — Actually I guess this one is more of a gym-fession…I dealing with a eavesdropper at the gym. There is this woman who always happens to be in the same section of the gym as my trainer and I and I swear she spends the whole time listening in on the instructions from the trainer instead of working out.  I watched her do it the other day to someone else who was also working out with a trainer. I feel like if she’s going to listen in that closely, perhaps she ought to chip in for the cost of the session, don’t ya think?


Runfession #5 — And speaking of gym crazies, last month I mentioned the guy who’s been coming to the gym and working out in jeans. I hadn’t seen him in weeks, but and behold he showed up the other day…and yes in jeans again. I confess it took all of my self control to not ask him about the jeans!

OK so now it’s your turn….what do you run-fess?  Ever deal with a gym eavesdropper?


I’m also joining Courtney, Mar and Cynthia for the Friday Five



March Runfessions

It’s the last Friday of the month…so you know what that means….time to cleanse my sweaty soul with some Runfessions. Link up with Marcia from Marcia’s Healthy Slice and join us, won’t you?!



Runfession #1 — I’ve lost my running mojo! Despite looking forward to running a half marathon again, I’m not feeling in any kind of groove – in fact most days….I runfess that I just don’t feel like running.


Runfession #2 — I’ve been letting my schedule totally rule me instead of the other way around. I haven’t been good about carving out dedicated time for my runs and workouts – instead just trying to jam them in when I can. The end results is I’m feeling kind of stressed to just check off the “workout box” instead of looking forward to that time. Might be contributing to Runfession#1 – don’t ya think?

Runfession #3 — I’ve been thinking that it might be beneficial to work with a run coach who can help me improve my gait and mechanics. I was really enjoying the work I had started while I was doing PT – they had a good team…might be time to reconnect. I’m just feeling like I need someone to observe and correct…or at least make suggestions 🙂

Kinvara 7

Photo Courtesy of Running Warehouse

Runfession #4 — I am lusting after the new Kinvara 7, but am really having a hard time justifying spending the cash – I have 2 pairs of Mizunos and a pair of ISO Zealots all in great condition with low mileage. Yet still I covet…

It's time for #Runfessions! Link up with @teamarcia and share Share on X

OK so now it’s your turn….what do you run-fess?


February Runfessions

How is it possible that it is time for another round of Runfessions?!

The last Friday of every month Marcia of Marcia’s Healthy Slice invites us all to share our run-, gym-, swim- fessions. Some come cleanse your sweaty soul and join us!

What are you runfessing this month? Link up with @teamarcia and share Share on X



Runfession #1 – So I returned for another message last week – thank goodness for the gift certificates I got for Christmas! The massage therapist was a little less horrified than last time – I’ve been following her advice to roll using a lacrosse ball.

Runfession #2 — I’ve been slacking on my PT exercises and it was showing in the form of a slightly angry ITB earlier this month. Since I’ve gotten back on track my IT band has quieted down to being just slightly annoyed.

Runfession #3 — The double workout days of running and doing T25 are seriously kicking my tail! I confess over this last week, I’ve skipped the T25 on run days. Please don’t tell Shaun T…

Shaun T

Runfession #4 — I wish I had a race coming up earlier on the calendar. I know the smart thing to do was to ease back into running and build my base, but I must admit some days my motivation to run is a little schizoprentic. I’m feeling the need for a training plan to help hold me accountable.

Runfession #5 — On the other hand, I run fess that I’ll more than make up for the lack of spring racing this fall. I keep stalking race websites and trying to figure out how many I can register for without wearing a groove in my credit card or racing every weekend.

OK – now it’s your turn. What are your runfessions?

I’m also joining Mar, Courtney and Cynthia for their Friday Five link-up. DC-Trifecta-Friday-Five-linkup
