January Runfessions

Last Friday of the month and I’m returning to Runfessions and linking up with Marcia today! Time to cleanse my sweaty soul. Who’s in?


Runfession #1 – I had seriously forgotten how hard the early days of running can be. Getting back into running has been h-a-r-d! May I never have to do this re-building again.

Runfession #2 — I’m making very little progress on my weight loss goal. I’m blaming it on a combination of too many meals on the fly, mindless grazing while working at my computer and not nearly enough planning! This will change next month.

Runfession #3 — After a few months, I’m still a big fan of my FitBit, but it sometimes bugs me that it doesn’t give me credit for my strength workouts – steps aren’t everything, right?

Runfession #4 — I went to see the massage therapist earlier this week – I haven’t been since September. She was horrified at how tight I was. Clearly a lot more rolling, yoga and another massage (of course) needs to happen.

massage meme

OK – now it’s your turn. What are your runfessions?


August Runfessions

I’ve missed the past couple of Runfession Fridays, but I’m happy to be linking up with Marcia today! Time to cleanse my sweaty soul. Who’s in?


Runfession #1 – My running is stressing me out! While I am thrilled to be running again, both my progress and my pace are slow and I’m feeling like the calendar is my enemy – 63 days til RnR Philly.

Runfession #2 —  The recent killer humidity (like 97%) has pushed me off the early morning run bandwagon and back into the gym. Everyone has their breaking point and 97% by 6 a.m. is mine!

Runfession #3 — The gym has been uber-quite lately and I must admit I miss the gym crazies.

Runfession #4 — I mentioned the other day how much I’m enjoying my new FitBit, but I have to say I’m a little horrified at my low step count on non-running days. With my hectic work schedule of late, I am clearly sitting in front of my computer far too much.  Nothing like those little glowing numbers staring you in the face for some extra motivation – must.move.more.

OK – now it’s your turn. What are your runfessions?


May Runfessions

It’s Runfession Friday and I’m linking up with Marcia again  – time to cleanse my sweaty soul. Who’s in?


Runfession #1 – OK, this one should come as no great surprise given my knee woes – I haven’t run much this month. But, now that I’ve got the green light, I’ll be adding miles in June!

Runfession #2 — This one’s more of a food-fession: my schedule has been super hectic lately and I have been eating a lot on the fly…and not always the best choices. I haven’t stepped on the scale but I’m fairly sure a few extra lbs have crept on to the scene – no bueno.

Runfession #3 — The gym crazies flood gates are now officially open at my gym! And, while I haven’t seen Mr. Dress Shoes lately, I have to admit I’m enjoying the people watching – it’s made the time on the elliptical go by faster.

Runfession #4 — While I know I’m suppose to ramp up my running slowly, I’m having a hard time suppressing the desire to sign up for a summer race. I generally don’t love running much less racing in the heat, but I’m feeling the need to put a target out there before I get to my fall races. Crazy to add the race calendar?

I’m also linking up with Courtney, Mar & Cynthia for their Friday link-up. It’s a “Free Friday” this week so be sure to stop and check out what everyone’s talking about!


So tell me, what’s your Runfession? Do you race in the summer?


April Runfessions

I feel like I say this at the end of every month, but seriously, where did April go!? Well, it’s the last Friday of the month so I’m linking up with Marcia again for another edition of Runfessions. Join us!


Runfession #1 – While I appreciate having the flexibility of running midday (thanks to working from home), I am clearly an early morning runner. As I returned to early morning runs this month, I really find I’m just much more settled during the rest of my day.

Runfession #2 — I cut both of my runs short this week thanks to some discomfort in my left knee. Truthfully, something didn’t feel good about half way through the BAA 5K and the knee hasn’t felt great ever since.

Runfession #3 — There are 44 days until the Newport 10 miler and I am not where I want to be…sigh.

Runfession #4 — On the good side, I’m still rocking the plank challenge and my strength days at the gym are my favorite days of the week!

So tell me, what’s your Runfession? What’s your preferred time of day to run?


Runfessions – February Edition

I know February is a short month but can you believe it’s the end of the month already! I’m linking up with Marcia again for another edition of Runfessions. Join us!



Runfession #1 — We’ve reached 100 inches of snow and my running mojo is buried somewhere under it.

Runfession #2 — I am actually toying with the idea of a run streak challenge in March just to keep my interest and focus. The thought of a run streak usually goes against my belief that my 48-year-old legs need a day off … but I’m also feeling the need to seriously shake things up.

Runfession #3 — On the flip side, my new found love of strength training continues to grow. The beauty of belonging to a new gym is that both the weights and TRX areas are often empty.


Runfession #4 — I’m also lovin’ working with Trainer Stacy. Having a plan to follow, much like with running, really makes all the difference for me — really no surprise there. I had another great workout with her this morning that I’m sure my legs will let me hear about the rest of the day!

Runfession #5 — The downside of the new gym? No “gym crazies!”  From time to time, I’ve shared my encounters with the more interesting characters at my gym. But, with this new gym, I’m not sure if it’s the times of day I’ve been going or that the crazies haven’t joined yet, but so far it’s all been very “normal” and I must admit I kind of miss the occasional crazy just to keep the people watching interesting. And, yes I realize I’ve probably just jinxed myself!

I’m also linking up with Courtney, Mar & Cynthia for their Friday link-up. It’s a “Free Friday” this week so be sure to stop and check out what everyone’s talking about!

So tell me, what’s your Runfession? Have you ever tried a run streak?


Runfessions – January edition

It’s that time again…last Friday of the month so I’m joining Marcia again for another edition of Runfessions – a chance to cleanse your sweaty soul!



Runfession #1 — Cherry Blossom training was suppose to begin this week… but didn’t. I’m still in the run/walk, knee-watch phase…and right now 10 miles seems so far!

Runfession #2 — Thanks to Juno and more snow on the way today, I probably won’t be seeing too many outdoor runs in the near future. With no place to put the snow, the roads are very narrow and on some of my favorite routes, sidewalks are non-existent. The thought of treadmill-only running does not bode well for my training plans.

Runfession #3 — I have to admit I’m much happier on my strength training days vs. my run days – maybe because I feel like I’m seeing more progress.

Runfession #4 — Or maybe this should be labeled food-fession…Let’s just say I stepped on the scale recently and there are 6 pounds or so that need not be there. Time to lay off the comfort food! ‘Nuff said there.

Runfession #5 — Due to my work schedule I didn’t sign-up for the current 12-week session of my favorite Pilates barre class and I miss it terribly! I may have to break down and try the Pilates classes at my new gym just so I don’t go through complete withdrawal.

There…I feel better now! What’s your runfession?


December Runfessions

Given that the last Friday of the month falls on the day after Christmas, Marcia decided to do her monthly “runfessions” today – and once again, I’m in.


Runfession #1 — I’m very excited that the lottery gods smiled on me and I’m in for the Cherry Blossom 10-Miler! After playing around with lots of race possibilities for 2015, there’s something about having this one firmly on the calendar that makes me finally ready to pull the trigger on some others.

Runfession #2 —  I have so been enjoying running without a watch that I’m actually starting to wonder how I’m going to get use to it again once training starts.

Runfession #3 — I really miss my running buddy E, and it looks like her prognosis to return to running is not looking good. While weekend runs with my husband have been fun, there’s nothing like catching up with a girlfriend while logging the miles.

Runfession #4 — Working with the trainer has shown me in no uncertain terms just how little attention I’ve been paying to strengthening my hamstrings and glutes. It was no secret to me that I’m quad dominant, but these workouts have been a leg-shaking eye-opening experience!

Runfession #5 — I’ve been invited to another event at Athleta tonight – oh be still my heart! Is it wrong to offer to my husband to buy my own Christmas presents 😉

There….I feel better now! Do you have any runfessions to share?  


More Runfessions

Joining up with Marcia, from Marcia’s Healthy Slice, for her monthly “runfessions” – a chance to cleanse your sweaty soul.


Runfession #1 — I was suppose to be getting on a plane tomorrow to head to the Philly half. Every time I get an email update from the race I must admit it stings just a little.

Runfession #2 — I’m not running much at all. I’m finding it hard to hit some those pre-dawn runs in the bitter cold when I’m not training for something.

Runfession #3 — I have been hitting the cross-training more and more…cause frankly I’m hard to live with if I don’t workout! Just ask my husband…

Runfession #4 — I am starting to plan a race schedule for 2015 that I’getting excited about. Now I either need to hit lotto or find a sponsor to cover the race fees 😉

Runfession #5 — Not at all run-related, but it’s freaking me out a little how quickly these weeks are slipping by.  My youngest son keeps announcing the weekly countdown till Christmas and I haven’t even started planing yet. (Just under 5 weeks in case you were wondering!)

There….I feel better now! Do you have any runfessions to share?  Have you started planning for the holidays yet?


Friday Five: Runfessions

Every month Marcia, from Marcia’s Healthy Slice, shares her “runfessions” – a chance to cleanse your sweaty soul. I love these posts. Marcia always invites her readers to join her and so this time round, I’m in.


Runfession #1 — While I’m feeling better about my training than I have in weeks, I confess that I am no where close to where I wanted to be at this point. But there’s still 8 weeks until Philly…

Runfession #2 — I’m seriously struggling with my motivation…there are definitely days where I want to chuck the training plan, let go of my race goals and just go back to running purely for the fun of it.

Runfession #3 — I’ve decided to take the Smuttynose Half off the table.  While this was never a goal race, I will admit that I was secretly hoping to take advantage of the “flat, fast course” and kick some serious asphalt. Given #1, Coach Bennett and I agreed that if I can’t go and run it really easy that I shouldn’t do it….and I know myself and I just don’t think I can…so no Smuttynose this year.

Runfession #4 — I really miss my running buddy E. She’s been dealing with an injury and it’s been ages since we’ve run together. I’m sure that’s not helping my motivation on some days. But I do so appreciate that she’s one of my biggest cheerleaders!

Runfession #5 — I’m loving my hill workouts…I know right? But I have to admit that Thursday’s hill repeats have become my favorite workout of the week! And I’ve been crushing them!

There….I feel better now! Do you have any runfessions to share?

