Focusing on what works

The other day I came across a daily tip from Peaceful Daily that really struck a chord with me — to focus on what is right with you. How often do you stop and ask yourself that question – “What is right with me?” While I’m enjoying this journey I’m on to become the runner and healthy person I want to be, I do think I often focus on the the aspects of what’s not working. I obsess about my “angry” left leg or that my pace is too slow…and in the process I lose sight of all that is working, all that is right with me.

So yesterday when I went out for my run I tried to keep my focus on what was right with me. I focused on how easy my breathing was, on how powerful my legs felt, on just how far I’ve come as a runner since the Spring. When my left knee started to tighten up in mile 4, instead of agonizing over it, I shifted my focus back to what was right with me. I celebrated the fact that this was my second 6 mile run…not bad for the sprinter from high school who would never consider running more than 200 meters at a time! And when I was done I marveled at how good I felt…and iced the one part that didn’t feel so hot 🙂

Another week of training is in the books and new challenges lie ahead – and as I gear up to meet each one, I will remember to ask myself “What is right with me?” and focus on what works!

Happy Monday!



Hello Monday!

Patience and perseverance have a magical effect
before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish.
                                                     — John Quincy Adams
Well after this busy past week filled with birthday celebrations for each of my kiddos and myself, I’m looking forward to a relatively quiet week! Despite the celebrating, I did get most of my workouts in…but I will admit watching what I ate (and drank) went right out the window! But I will get that back under control this week. 
I did cross another milestone of sorts, completing my first five mile run. Seriously I haven’t run that far since Friday practices for Rugby when I was in college….we’re talkin’ a long time ago! Can’t wait to see what this week brings!
Happy Monday!


Motivation in the dog days of summer

Well Hello August….you sure did make an appearance quickly!

So it’s the beginning of a new month –  what’s on deck for August?

I’ll be working through weeks 4 – 7 of my 10k training program. That means a minimum of 54 miles, a fair amount of cross-training, Pilates, and weights, plus the introduction of my first tempo run and speedwork! THAT should keep me busy 🙂

But since the theme around here is usually “Motivation Monday” – I decided to add a little extra incentive and today signed on for MCM Mama’s “Mama Goes Masters” Virtual Race! MCM Mama has come up with a fun virtual race to celebrate her 40th birthday – check it out HERE I’ll be doing the 4 mile option which fits nicely into my training plan and should help push me to pick up the pace a little!

What have you got on tap this month?

Happy Running!


I want to be like Mike

“I can accept failure. Everyone fails at something. 
But I can’t accept not trying.”  
–Michael Jordan
Just came across this quote recently and I love it! (And the fact that it comes from my all-time favorite basketball player is just an added bonus!)
This pretty much sums up my philosophy about life in general…I’m always telling my kids that the only failure is in not trying. It’s the attitude I try to carry with me each time I head out the door for a run….don’t know how it will go or if I’ll make the distance but you gotta try, right?
Who knows…might end up with Jordan-esque results!
(OK I couldn’t resist a second picture of MJ!)
Happy Monday!


Catching Excellence

Perfection is not attainable,
but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence.
– Vince Lombardi
I start my 10k training plan this week! After checking out a bunch of plans, I’m going with Runner’s World Smart Coach. I like that with Smart Coach you can input info on your last race, weekly mileage, how hard you want to train and for how long and it gives you a “customized” training plan for free!

With this plan I’ll be running 3 days a week and can fit in my two pilates classes and some weight training and bike work and still have one day for rest. I’ll also be mixing in some speed work, tempo runs and hill repeats as the weeks go on. I also decided to build in a little cushion in my timing and not take the training program right up to race day just to give myself some wiggle room…..cause life happens, right?

You can check out Smart Coach on the Runner’s World website

Don’t miss the great giveaways going on this week on some of my favorite blogs – check out the sidebar!!

Happy Running!


New Motivation – New Race

Instead of an inspirational quote for this week’s Monday Motivation, I chose to register for another race….and this time it’s a 10k! After years of hearing so much about the spirit and camaraderie of this event, I decided this morning to register for the Tufts 10k for Women!

I am once again both psyched and nervous! As I went for a run this morning in 80-plus degrees, I wondered how in the world I’m going to double my mileage to comfortably finish the 6.2 miles while training in the summer’s heat. On the good side, the race isn’t until October 11 so there is time…but training in the heat will be unavoidable.

So now I’m trying to decide on a 10k training plan to follow, cause the one thing I definitely learned from working up to my 5k is that my running is much more productive when I have a game plan. But the question is, which plan to follow? I’ve looked at Running Planet’s 10k program for Beginning Competitors and their 10k for Recreational Runners ; and then there’s Cool Running’s Beginner’s 10k . These are free programs, then there a whole host of fee-based programs. So how does one decide? And how long do you need to train – some of these programs are 12 weeks while others are 8? I’ve got 14 weeks til race day so I’ll need to figure all this out fairly soon.

In any event, it’s nice to have a new target and new motivation!


Pain is temporary

Pain is temporary. 
It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day
or a year, but eventually it will subside
and something else will take its place. 
If I quit, however, it lasts forever.
                                                    –Lance Armstrong

Looking forward to a fairly low-key week: a couple of easy runs, my final weights session with the trainer and lots and lots of stretching!


Impossible is Nothing

“Impossible is just a big word thrown around by
small men  who find it easier to live in the world
they’ve been given than to explore the power
they have to change it. 
Impossible is not a fact. It’s an opinion. 
Impossible is not a declaration. It’s a dare. 
Impossible is potential. 
Impossible is temporary. 
Impossible is nothing.”
                                                              Muhammad Ali
A big shout out to Paige at Two Runners and A Brown Dog for sharing this quote on her blog a while back. It resonated with me immediately!

Have a great Monday!


Monday’s Motivation

“You’ve got to get up every morning with motivation
if you’re gonna go to bed with satisfaction”
                                                      — Lomier
‘Nuf said in my book!Starting week 8 of C25K !! 2.75 mile runs, plus I’m adding weight training and pilates in between! 20 days until my first 5K race! Have a great week everyone!


Dare to Achieve

“Only those who dare to fail greatly
can ever achieve greatly.”
                                     – Robert F Kennedy
