MAYhem is drawing to a close. It was yet another tough week in the news…I have no words…
This week was quiet on the work front, giving me a chance to clear the decks before the new month rolls in. And, on the homefront, my high schooler finished classes and all of the end-of-year school stuff and is now prepping for exam week. It was also race week, so the workouts were fairly low-key…but the #optoutside streak (Day 60 as of today!) continued. Here’s how things played out.
Week 21 – Winding Down May
Monday — 2-mile walk, Upper Body Strength, & Stretch
Tuesday — 2-mile walk otherwise rest day
Wednesday — 3-mile run, Core & Stretch
Thursday — 2.5-mile walk & Yoga
Friday — 3-mile run, Core & Stretch
Saturday — 1.5-mile walk, Upper Body, Core & Stretch
Sunday — Race Day: Boston’s Run to Remember 5 Miler! Running felt really good today and I’m happy with my effort. I’ll share a recap in the coming days.
Now I’m looking forward to lazing on the deck and enjoying some family time!
How was your week? How are you spending this long weekend?
I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down. Join us!