I swear I blinked and this week was over!
There hasn’t been much running this week – which seems a bit of a crime given the gorgeous weather we’ve been having! But I kinda hit an energy wall on Monday so aside from one nice run with my friend E on Tuesday and some pilates and yoga, I’ve been pretty lazy on the workouts!
I have donned my race director hat quite a bit this week securing police details, setting up online registration and other logistics, and trying to secure sponsors. I’m surprised by how much goes into a simple 5k and kids’ fun run, and I know this pales in comparison to what large races must contend with!
Started spending a little time mulling over training plans. I’ve got a couple of months until my next race and am really feeling like I need to shake things up a bit…just not quite sure what that means yet.
Looking forward to a fairly quiet weekend just hanging with my family. My oldest son’s hockey team is playing during the intermission of the Providence Bruins tonight which should be fun to watch! Otherwise we actually have a fair amount of unscheduled time for a change. I’m hoping to get some spring cleaning started, which I’m sure will send my husband and kids scurrying for cover! And I’m definitely getting a run in…may be two 🙂