Did you know that Wednesday was World Gratitude Day? It got me thinking about the power of gratitude and the practice of keeping a gratitude journal.
While I’ve had a long-standing practice of noting 3 things I’m grateful for most evenings before bed, I’ve recently returned to keeping a physical gratitude journal. Since I think mental health is just as important as physical health, for this week’s Fit Five Friday, I’m sharing some reasons why you might want to consider starting a gratitude journal.
Five Reasons to Start a Gratitude Journal
Mood Boost — When we focus on the positive things in life, our brains release dopamine and serotonin – two chemicals linked with feelings of well-being. An added benefit – when we experience feelings of gratitude, stress hormones are modulated, reducing anxiety and depression
Improves Overall Health — A 2003 study found that people who kept gratitude journals reported fewer health complaints, fewer symptoms of physical illness, and more time exercising (which also leads to the release of dopamine and serotonin).
Better Sleep — For those of you who have laid awake ruminating over the events of the day or worrying about what might be coming tomorrow, taking time before bed to write down a few things you’re grateful for has been shown to help set you up for a better night of sleep. Reflecting on the day and making note of the positive moments (however big or small) helps to shift your focus from your worries and clear your mind for a more restful sleep.
Increases Self Esteem — Through the practice of writing down gratitude for what you have, you’re less likely to compare yourself to others, or to view yourself as “less than” or “not enough”. It can help you to build mental resilience against the negative situations you encounter.
Space for Reflection — On those days when things are not going so well, a gratitude journal can be a space for reflection. Reading through your journal entries can help serve as a reminder to you that you have great people and things in your life – helping to reframe your mindset.
How do you practice gratitude?
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