Happy Friday all!
When I saw the topic Courtney, Mar & Cynthia proposed for this week’s #FridayFive link-up I chuckled cause I’m sure we can all come up with a few fitness trends where we have the reaction – thanks but no thanks!
Now first I must say that I’m all for anything that gets and keeps people moving. And, just because it is not my cup of Gatorade um tea, does not mean it might not be THE thing for someone else. I’m most definitely a “to each her own” kinda of gal…
So with that said, here are a couple of fitness trends whose bandwagons you won’t find me on any time soon.
Mud runs/Obstacle runs/Color runs – I have friends who are very into doing these runs and try as they might they cannot convince me to join them. I just want to run – plain and simple.
Zumba – Nope.
CrossFit – While this one has peaked me interest in the past, I’m kinda over it.
Spinning – Again, another one where I have friends who swear by it, but being confined in a room with a bunch of others on stationary bikes and music pumping just holds no appeal.
Hot yoga – I greatly enjoy the benefits of yoga, but the thought of doing yoga in a hot, humid room?!?
Is there a fitness trend you’d pass on?