Linking up with Courtney, Mar and Cynthia again today.
This week is theme-free so I just thought I’d share a few things that made me smile this week.
The Weather — Most mornings this week have looked like this! Perfect running weather…and unheard of in August!
#IceBucketChallenge — It’s been great to see power of social media used for good with the #IceBucketChallenge to wipe out ALS! I’ve been lovin’ the videos in my FB feed (and yes I both dumped and donated) – but nothing made me smile more than watching my boys take the challenge and want to make a donation!
Altra Intutions — These are quickly becoming my go to shoe for the majority of my runs. I have the 1.5’s and heard rumblings that the 2.0’s are a very different shoe and are bumming out fans of the 1.5’s. So to play it safe, I hunted online and bought another pair of 1.5’s that I’ll just store away for later.
Dahlias in My Garden — These have been a labor of love. I planted them back at the end of May and have been nurturing them along. They finally started to bloom this week!
Beach Time — Was so happy to finally get to see this view this week!
What’s making you smile lately?
Don’t forget to enter my Nuun Energy giveaway!