I got tagged by both XL over at Taking It On and Molly at I’m a Sleeper Baker to join in on the game of 11’s that’s been going on in bloggyland. I’ve been enjoying reading others’ bits of randomness, so here goes…
In case you don’t know, the rules are:
- Post these rules
- You must post 11 random things about yourself
- Answer the questions set for you in their post
- Create 11 new questions for the people you tag to answer
- Go to their blog and tell them you’ve tagged them
- No stuff in the tagging section about you are tagged if you are reading this. You legitimately have to tag 11 people!
- I have a shoe and handbag addiction that could be viewed as unhealthy
- Spiders freak me out
- I have two white board calendars in my kitchen that are color-coded for each family member (even the dog has a color)
- I could wear only black clothing for the rest of my life and be perfectly happy
- I’m a sucker for TV & movie awards shows
- I love spicy food and make a mean jambalaya
- I think Valentines Day is a bogus holiday
- I’m a bit of a political junkie – both fascinated and repulsed by the whole process
- When I’ve been pulled over, I’ve been able to talk my way out of speeding tickets
- I love to decorate – I can spend hours looking at paint samples
- I have no tolerance for bad customer service
- What is your ‘comfort food’? My husband J’s beef stroganoff
- Do you exercise better when you are angry or happy? Depends on the exercise – speedwork or hills are best done angry!
- Have you ever done anything to the point of puking? What? Yep – did the stupid drink too much thing once…once was enough
- Any embarrassing nicknames in your past? Spill it. In college – Mother Goose…long story.
- Guilty movie pleasure? Chick flicks – Devil Wears Prada is a fave.
- Do you like or dislike these tagging memes? Like them.
- Why do you run? (might seem like a stupid question, but I’m curious) For so many reasons…for sanity.. for the challenge (both mental and physical)…for “me” time
- Would you rather be rich or famous? Rich – I think of all I could do for my family, community, charities.
- If you could go anywhere tomorrow without any worries (everything would be taken care of perfectly for the duration) where would you go, Australia
- with whom and my husband J
- for how long? a couple of months – I’d want our boys to join us but I want at least 1 week just the two of us!
1. what is the one song you never tire of? At the moment, Jay-Z’s “Run this Town”
2. what scares you? Living a life of unfulfilled dreams – don’t want to have a lot of should haves
3. what’s on your bucket list? I don’t really have a list…but it would probably include lots of travel destinations
4. salty or sweet? Salty
5. what would you do with an unexpected day off? Head to the beach with a book
6. boxers or briefs? Boxers
7. what would you have for your last meal? Anything on the menu from Esca in NYC
8. what is your favorite body part? My arms
9. what do you like best about your job? I work out of my house so the flexibility
10. Giants or Patriots? Patriots!
11. what is your goal for 2012? To live more in the moment, to be present
- Favorite quote or saying (not from a movie)?
- Favorite movie quote?
- 3 dinner guests -who would they be? (Can be dead or alive)
- Favorite indulgence?
- Favorite Cocktail (or beer or wine)?
- Favorite book from childhood?
- Have you traveled abroad? Where?
- Beyond running, what’s your favorite hobby?
- What 3 things do you have to have in the morning?
- What 3 things do you have to have when you head to bed?
- What’s your biggest pet peeve?
And, finally the Newly Tagged:
(If you’ve been tagged before, please include a link to your post in a comment, cause I’d love to check it out)
- Erica at I Run Because…I Can
- Jeff at Detroit Runner
- Stephanie Anne at Running to Health
- Suz at Cows, Lasers and Everything in Between
- Carrie at Family Fitness Food
- Amanda at Run to the Finish
- Erika at MCM Mama
- Jill at One Tough Cookie and a Beer
- Paige at The Last Doughnut
- Lisa at Early Morning Run
- Rene at The Amherst Shuffle
Whew…that was one crazy long post!