Happy Sunday my friends!
Everywhere we turn it feels like all Corona news all the time – it can feel overwhelming to say the least. And, while I fully admit that at times I have just wanted to pull the covers over my head, keeping up with my workouts has helped to keep the craziness at bay.
Here’s how this week’s workouts went down:
Monday — Rest day
Tuesday — Strength workout with resistance bands
Wednesday — 3.8-mile run
Thursday — Yoga
Friday — 2-mile power walk
Saturday — 4-mile run plus #see10do10 pushup challenge (Thanks to Pam for tagging me)
Sunday — I’ll be heading out soon for another power walk, followed by a T25 core workout.
Focusing on the positive…
With the Portland 10 Miler finally conceding this week and moving the race to a to-be-determined date in the fall, I’m making the adjustment to having no training plan for a while. On the positive side, this will give me a chance to focus on PT exercises. It’s also nice to just run without any focus on prescribed distances or paces.
I’m also enjoying the positives of having both boys home! My husband J is also working from home so we’re really embracing the extra family time. We’ve enjoyed some spirited games of Monopoly and Mario Party, watched some movies and enjoyed lots of laughs over meals.
This was supposed to be the beginning of week 2 of their spring breaks, but both schools have now tacked on an additional week of break before online classes begin in April. Thankfully, we picked up a wi-fi extender to help counter a couple of dead zones in our house so when the time comes we can spread out to the four corners of the house and take care of work and classes.
So tell me how was your week? What positives are you focusing on?
I’m linking up with Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down.