Five Reasons to Strengthen Your Core

One of my goals for January is to get back to doing consistent core work. While many may equate “core” with 6-pack abs, a strong core is really about much more than the aesthetics of flat abs. Your core is actually a whole series of muscles including pelvic floor muscles, diaphragm, internal and external obliques, transverse abdominis, rectus abdominis, multifidus, erector spinae, and glutes. This complex set of muscles are your body’s powerhouse and key to all movement.

So for this week’s Fit Five Friday, I’m sharing five reasons to focus on strengthening your core. (This post was originally published in August, 2021 and has been updated).

Five Reasons to Strengthen Your Core

Enhanced stability and balance — When you strengthen your core, you engage the pelvis, lower back, and hips to work in better coordination, providing both balance and stability, and minimizing the risk of falling.

Improved running efficiency — In addition to enhanced stability and balance, when these muscles are moving smoothly in sync, you expend less energy, which can help your running efficiency.

Improved posture — Strong core muscles stabilize the torso, and help you to remain upright. Maintaining good posture, in turn, reduces strain on both your muscles and joints and can be especially important for runners in the later stages of a race or long run, when fatigue sets in and running form may start to suffer.

Reduced risk of back injuries — Without a strong core, you are asking your back to work harder to support your body, which can lead to muscle strain and back pain.

Everyday movement — From carrying groceries to pulling weeds in the garden, having a strong core makes bending, lifting, twisting, and reaching overhead easier.

Do you make core work a consistent part of your workout routine? 

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Kicking off August!

While there was a lot of family fun in July –  my running was a bit of a mixed bag. But, it’s a new month and I’m ready to kick things up a bit!


Kat over at Sneakers and Fingerpaints is hosting the August Core Focus Challenge! I’ve done a couple of ab/core challenges before and this one looked like fun and a perfect way to help get me on track for my fall races, so I’m in!


Another great way to kick things up? A race of course 🙂 Given that we’re in the dog days of summer there isn’t much to pick from on the racing front around here until September – so why not go virtual? Jill & Jen, the great ladies behind the #13in2013 Challenge are hosting a Birthday Bash Virtual Race in honor of their birthday month! You pick the distance and the day and for added incentive there are some fun prizes involved. August is my birthday month too and this is just the extra motivation to help me through one of my race pace runs.

I’m also thinking it’s time to mix things up with my cross-training so I’m returning to Jillian Michael’s Ripped in 30. I tried this DVD out last summer and it definitely helped to keep things interesting. Just like last time, because of my schedule and making sure I get all my runs in,  I will probably not do this workout for 30 days straight – but nonetheless Jillian is sure to keep me on my toes!

What have you got planned for August?


Race #1 Done, 12 to go

The Frosty Virtual 5K/10K/Half was benefiting the American Cancer Society – a cause I was very happy to support.  I lost both my grandmothers to cancer and both of those amazing women were on my mind Saturday morning.

Frosty 5kI stuck to my plan and got out early to run my 5K to beat the predicted snow storm and my son’s hockey game – the snow turned out to be nothing, but it was fun watching my son have one of his best games in his team’s win!

My running buddy E was heading out for 8 so we set out and ran the first mile together. I settled into a comfortable pace – not looking for a PR, just a good solid run and to enjoy a rare day of  no wind nor frigid temps.  Once I hit the distance, I decided to re-trace my route so I could get at least 6 miles in.

Thanks again to Jospehine over at Plant-based Runner for hosting this race.  She raised $1,000 for the American Cancer Society and even provided all of us with medals! She’s got some other races planned so be sure to check her out her blog.

Week 2 of half marathon training is done, school vacation week is over and it’s time to get more focused! Still in base-building phase, so this upcoming week looks like this:

Monday – 6 miles on a hilly route

Tuesday – Cross-training — Haven’t decided what I’ll do yet, but I may break out Jillian Michael’s 30-day Shred

Wednesday – Rest

Thursday – 8 miles with 5 at tempo pace and my 2 hr killer yoga class

Friday – Rest

Saturday – 10 mile LSD

Sunday – More cross-training

I’m also still working on the 30-day ab/core challenge – just 15 minutes a day to build a stronger core. It looks like the weather gods should cooperate this week and I’m looking forward to staying off the ‘mill and being outside!

What have you got planned for this week?


Week 5 – Time to Step Back

I’ve come to embrace step-back weeks in a training plan!

There is value in giving your legs a break. And, given the way my legs felt following Saturday’s long run (read heavy, tired, sore) ….a step back is needed!

So this is a week of easy runs:

Sunday — Rest
Monday — 4
Tuesday — 5, plus a trip to Dr. Needles
Wednesday — 4, plus weekly pilates class
Thursday — 5
Friday — Yoga
Saturday — 5

It will be a good week to get back to get back to daily core work, while treating my legs to as much R.I.C.E. as possible!

How’s your week shaping up?


Thursday Thoughts – Hangover, Young Runners & Core Challenge

  • Got hit with what I’m calling the “Half Hangover” — post race I felt really good Monday and Tuesday, but whamo on Wednesday I felt totally spent! I’m talking dead on my feet…even had a sore throat – so random. Still wasn’t feeling fab when I got up this morning, but I figured I’d go for just a quick couple of miles before the kids went to camp. Surprisingly the heaviness in my legs was gone within the first half mile, and by the run’s end I was feeling much, much better.
  • I can’t stop thinking about a runner I met Sunday while hanging out before the race. She was 13 years old and there to run her first half marathon! She was the sweetest girl and her face completely lit up when she talked about running. But 13?! Is it just me, or does that seem too young to be out there and running by herself? I’ve been wondering how she held up in that crazy weather.
    • Today I’m kicking off a 30-day ab-work challenge for myself. My core could be a lot stronger than it is, and of late this is an area I’ve really been slacking off in my workouts. So from now through September 9th, I’m committing to do some core work daily. Hopefully after 30 days, it will be a habit I stick with.
    Want to play along? What’s your favorite core workout?


    Enjoying a step-back week

    This week is a step back week for me and I’m feeling like it’s come at a good time.

    After logging 22 miles last week (the most for me in a long time), plus cross-training, I was feeling a little beat by the end of the weekend. The good news is that the left leg continues to cooperate, and so short easy runs this week are a welcome change of pace. It’s also giving me a chance to really focus and put into practice some of things I learned in Sunday’s workshop.

    Another Aha for me from Sunday, is that I need to put more effort into strengthening my core. So in addition to my weekly Pilates class I’ve been trying to add more core work with planks, side lateral raises and the “hundreds.”

    What do you do to work your core?
