Weekly Wrap – Feeling the Heat

Yeah, this pretty much sums up this week’s workouts! Another heat wave hit the Boston area this week, and by Tuesday I had given up even bothering to open the weather app on my phone. The workouts were a little all over the place, but here’s how it went down.

Monday — Since I ran Sunday and was planning to hit the track Tuesday, I took Monday as a rest day. I had dinner with a friend I hadn’t seen in months and we had an epic catch-up session that may have involved a couple of pomegranate martinis. So good, but so not the “hydration” to have before track day πŸ˜‰

Tuesday — Suffice it to say I didn’t get to the track, but I did get an ab/hip/leg workout in.

Wednesday — 90% humidity had me seriously questioning the whole running thing, but I eked out 3 miles.

Thursday — Another lower body strength workout followed by a massage!

Friday — I had planned to make up Tuesday’s track workout, but for some crazy reason I woke up at 3:30 in the morning and I was wide awake brain racing! Uggh. After lying awake for what seemed forever, I must have finally fallen asleep and promptly slept through my alarm. I didn’t have enough time to get to the track before work so it would have to wait.

Saturday — Finally made it to the track! I was determined not to skip this workout and it was my best of the week!

Sunday — Saturday’s long run became today’s run. Since I was still feeling the effects of a busy Saturday and I knew the humidity was supposed to finally relent a bit, I opted to sleep in and take on my run in the afternoon. It was still a heat-fest but having my husband along helped keep me going, and we made it through 6.2 miles.

All-in-all, not a bad week. We’re getting a ton of rain tomorrow and then cooler temps (relatively speaking) will be rolling in. I’m looking forward to getting a break from the steam bath!

I’m linking up withΒ HollyΒ &Β Tricia, and this week’s guest host Darlene.




  1. This week was our worst so far. We got rain a few days, but only this evening’s storm seems to have cooled things off a bit. I hope this week is a bit cooler!
    Coco recently posted…How To Plank For 5 Minutes Without Losing Your MindMy Profile

  2. We had a very hot & humid week as well, but things felt nice today…mid 80’s with less humidity and a breeze. Crazy when mid 80’s actually feel kind of “cool” and refreshing LOL
    Kimberly Hatting recently posted…Epiphanies AplentyMy Profile

  3. The humidity is relentless here. I really do question my sanity when I’m running in it. I’ve been oversleeping quite a bit lately. I’m blaming it on the humidity! It’s so evil, why not? LOL. Great job on the track workout!

  4. Despite the heat, you still got in some great mileage Michelle! I only ran twice outdoors this past week and once on the dreadmill. Cycling is my ‘go to’ way to keep cool these days πŸ™‚

    Pomegranite martini’s do sound divine though…..
    Teresa recently posted…On the Road to 100 MilesMy Profile

  5. I hear you on the steam bath. Running has been sooo hard. Finally this morning there’s a little coolness in the air. Thank heavens!
    Marcia recently posted…Berlin Marathon Training: Halfway ThereMy Profile

  6. It’s been sooooo hot here too! It did rain over the weekend, but I know it won’t keep things cool for long.

  7. It was tough out there last week all around. Glad you finally got that track workout in!
    Deborah @ Confessions of a mother runner recently posted…Skillet Charred Tomato BruschettaMy Profile

  8. I have to agree with you – this week was probably the worse week of the summer. We had heat advisories and air quality alerts daily. Like you, I gave up on checking the weather app on my phone, lol

    Thankfully we’re getting a little break in the heat here in CT this week.
    Kimberly recently posted…Chicago Marathon Training Recap – Week 9My Profile

  9. Way to get that track workout in! The humidity is so hard these days!

  10. Love that meme! I know exactly how you feel! Kudos for not giving up on that track workout!
    Mary Beth Jackson recently posted…ZOOMA Summer Challenge Week 1My Profile

  11. What fun catching up with your friend, and pomegranate martinis sound amazing! It’s been brutally hot and humid here in Chicago as well. And there doesn’t seem to be an end in sight!

  12. Running has been almost unbearable down here. I can’t even handle it some days. I feel like I will never stop sweating.

    You’re doing great, and I’m glad the rain brought you some relief. Sometimes, after it rains here, it’s just that much hotter and steamier. How is that even fair?
    Jenn recently posted…weekly wrap: 7.9.17 – 7.23.17My Profile

  13. The pomegranate martinis sound great! But yeah, definitely not good for hydrating for the track. πŸ™‚

    It was a tough week for a lot of us. The humidity… ick!!! Great job!
    Rachel recently posted…Midweek Long Run + B’nai B’rith Health Run 5K RecapMy Profile

  14. The humidity has really been a joy sucker, hasn’t it? Even up in the north woods this past weekend, we felt it. Until we didn’t. Brrr!

    Keep on moving!
    Wendy@Taking the Long Way Home recently posted…Like a Boss: Recovery WeekMy Profile

  15. It sounds like the entire world is under the same giant humid cloud!
    Nicole @ Fitful Focus recently posted…Mango Green Smoothie (vegan, gluten free)My Profile

  16. The humidity is murder, I swear. I hate it. It’s been bad here in Florida since what…. February?? Good job getting out there!

  17. I feel like it is raining or threatening rain everyday.

    Good for you on getting in your track workouts. I actually had one planned today but I hear that the track is closed. And it is raining anyway.

    Thanks for linking up.

  18. Oh I love a good catch up session with a long time friend, especially one that I haven’t seen in awhile. Kudos to you for enjoying yourself. Life is about balance, even if that means making adjustments to our training schedule to accommodate our “real” lives. πŸ™‚
    Kathryn @ Dancing to Running recently posted…Chicago Marathon Training Log – Week 7My Profile

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