Weekly Wrap: Eyeing Fall Races

Staying true to my goals for this month, my workouts have been comfortably locked in on cruise control. This past week was no different. There was some time for yoga and getting re-aquatinted with my foam roller. And, there was some running. The temps have been climbing so I promised myself this would be the week to get out early to beat the sun’s heat.

Of course, Mother Nature does have a twisted sense of humor, and just as I stepped out the door for Tuesday’s run I was greeted with this…

Yep a serious downpour…given how warm it was I ran anyways…anything to avoid the mill. And actually, this run felt great!

I was chasing my shadow and the sun on Thursday’s run, and happily logged another pain-free run!

And, while the struggle bus came looking for me on this morning’s run thanks to a cranky stomach, I’m happy to say the miles were pain-free

the glute/piriformis/hip thing finally feeling under control these past couple of weeks, I’ve allowed myself to start eyeing potential fall races.  I’m pretty sure I’ll pull the trigger on the Wicked Half Marathon, held in mid-September. Some of the Skirt Sports ambassadors in the area picked this race for a meet-up so I’m sure this could be a fun one! Past experience has taught me that the temps can still be pretty warm in mid-September, so I’d like to find a goal race for October or early November.

Any suggestions for a half marathon? Do you have your fall races settled yet?

Linking up with Holly & Tricia for the Weekly Wrap, and this week’s guest host Zenaida. Definitely be sure to stop by and check out all of the great ladies who join in for this link-up!




  1. Glad to hear that your hip is finally feeling better! The weather was rough last week hoping for a little cooler this week for both of us
    Deborah @ Confessions of a mother runner recently posted…Weekly Wrap Hello SummerMy Profile

  2. I just have Ragnar DC and Marine Corps Marathon on the books for fall. I feel like I should do more LOL.
    MCM Mama Runs recently posted…Lifetime Half #67, State #38, Heartland Series (IA)My Profile

  3. Yay to pain free running! October is Newport, right? I always love running there!
    AmyC recently posted…Five Friday FavoritesMy Profile

  4. So glad to hear your hip/glute thing is under control. Just when I think mine is, I get that PIA. UGH.
    Wendy@Taking the Long Way Home recently posted…Work Hard, Play HardMy Profile

  5. Yay! So glad you are experiencing pain-free runs! Not a Half, but I’m sure you could get a bib for the Army Ten Miler in October during the transfer period. This will be my 10th year doing it!
    Coco recently posted…Hiking Cowles MountainMy Profile

  6. The hip/glute/piriformis thing is no little “thing.” I”m glad mine has been very quiet for several months. I hope yous does the same 😉 COme to Iowa…we have lots of fall races…or you could join me in Las Vegas in November…
    Kimberly Hatting recently posted…One Challenging Recovery WeekMy Profile

    • Do you know I’ve never been to Iowa? I wish I could make Vegas work this year – I ran it last year and had so much fun! Hmmm, maybe I should look at the calendar again!

  7. Hooray for pain free runs!

    My big races for the Fall are the Chicago and NYC Marathons, but I have a few halfs scheduled as well (RnR Philly, RnR Montreal)
    Kimberly recently posted…Chicago Marathon Training Recap – Week 5My Profile

  8. I dislike running in the rain but don’t mind it too much when it is hot enough that the rain cools me down. Any kind of pain is no good for a runner. Glad yours is under control.

    For now I plan to run the Lake Michigan Marathon during Labor Day Weekend. Then in October I’ll be in Denver for the RnR half marathon.

  9. I’m so impressed that you didn’t let that downpour derail you! I just can’t do rain…..well, if it’s super hot and it is a light rain and I’m already into my run, then I’m good and enjoy it. Otherwise, it’s not happening for me. 🙂

    Glad to hear your hip/glute issue is cooperating! I’m sure all of that foam rolling is paying off!
    Teresa recently posted…This Week’s Gallivantin’: Rain, Rain, Go AwayMy Profile

  10. Yay for pain free runs! As far as Fall races, the Richmond marathon (and half) is in November. That was my first half marathon and I loved it. It’s a great race.
    Chaitali recently posted…Heart Rate training week 5My Profile

  11. Yay for some pain free miles! I rain in a sprinkle last week but not a down pour.

    Where is the wicked half marathon? I was thinking of doing the Harrisburg half since I hear it is a good course but you are right, it can still e so hot in September!

  12. Good for you for getting out in the rain and yay for all the body parts cooperating! Fall is pretty much an F word to me right now. I’ve not thought beyond Berlin in September. No clue what comes after that…except RnR Vegas!
    Marcia recently posted…The Non-Gambler’s Guide to Las VegasMy Profile

  13. Yay for pain-free runs! I don’t have any races until October scheduled, two half marathons and then I’ll be running my next marathon in December, CIM!

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