January Runfessions

Last Friday of the month and I’m returning to Runfessions and linking up with Marcia today! Time to cleanse my sweaty soul. Who’s in?


Runfession #1 – I had seriously forgotten how hard the early days of running can be. Getting back into running has been h-a-r-d! May I never have to do this re-building again.

Runfession #2 — I’m making very little progress on my weight loss goal. I’m blaming it on a combination of too many meals on the fly, mindless grazing while working at my computer and not nearly enough planning! This will change next month.

Runfession #3 — After a few months, I’m still a big fan of my FitBit, but it sometimes bugs me that it doesn’t give me credit for my strength workouts – steps aren’t everything, right?

Runfession #4 — I went to see the massage therapist earlier this week – I haven’t been since September. She was horrified at how tight I was. Clearly a lot more rolling, yoga and another massage (of course) needs to happen.

massage meme

OK – now it’s your turn. What are your runfessions?



  1. Massage? What’s that?? I am so delinquent on this front. I may as well say I’ve never been. I feel the same way about strength training and trackers. And you are not alone on the meal planning thing, or lack thereof. Thanks for linking up!
    Marcia recently posted…Runfession Friday: 7 Deadly SinsMy Profile

  2. I need more massages for sure! Oh and i have a vivosmart and it KILLS me to see my steps on a non-run day. I barely hit 5000.

  3. I have been scheduling massages every two weeks and find it really helps. I know what you men about fitbit. For a while I was really into the resting heart rate tracking but then got lazy about charging it. Training Peaks is my one system that tracks everything so keeping up with alternate tracking systems is just extra work.

  4. That is too bad the Fitbit doesn’t count your strength sessions because that’s a HUGE part of being fit!

  5. It’s been a very long time since I’ve had a massage. I don’t know why…thanks for the reminder!

    I tend to eat almost continuously at work. I get embarrassed when people walk in my office because there always something in my mouth, even if it’s just a hard candy!
    HoHo Runs recently posted…Runfessions (January)My Profile

  6. I’m going for a massage tomorrow. Cellular repair at it finest 🙂

  7. I got annoyed at the fitbit for the same reason a while ago for not picking up my weights workouts or my spin class.
    Deborah @ Confessions of a mother runner recently posted…5 Races To Run In 2016My Profile

  8. Sorry the weight loss has been a struggle. You’ll get there! I keep telling myself to get more massages, but still haven’t made an appointment. I’m sure I’m way too tight at this point!
    Janelle @ Run With No Regrets recently posted…Runfessions – January 2016My Profile

  9. Taking time off is the worst! Because starting back up is so hard. Keep at it!
    Wendy@Taking the Long Way Home recently posted…Runfessions for JanuaryMy Profile

  10. Which reminds me Michelle, I so need to book a massage! I know I hate that I can have a killer strength training session an my fitbit just laughs at me 🙁 Dang it she would rather me be on the treadmill I guess all the time! No love, No love I tell ya! Keep at it girl, we’ll both get there with our weight goals!

  11. I know what you mean about other kinds of workouts not counting as “steps”. Things like burpees are so hard but barely make my step count move at all! Even shoveling for hours last weekend got me barely any steps, until I had to start walking to the snow to the other end of my driveway…

  12. Morning workouts can be tough…some days, the “workout” on the schedule is hardly worth bundling up to get out! I wish I could have regular massages 🙂 my foam roller is my masseuse 🙂
    Lindsey recently posted…January RunfessionsMy Profile

  13. LOL on the massage. I feel like I just had one, but it’s been at least three weeks – that’s too long, right? I’m used to my Garmin not tracking weights but I wish it gave me credit for cycling.
    Coco recently posted…Empty Shelves Before The BlizzardMy Profile

  14. Massage? Gosh it’s been awhile since my last massage (like, since the week after my Ultra in July…). And I have not been spending much time with the foam roller either. Even though it’s my “off-season,” and I have been a good girl with my (minimum) mileage…I still should be showing my muscles some love. Thanks for the reminder 😉

  15. Masage…yes please!!! I so need to do better at that. I probably get one once a year…if that. so sad 🙁 I actually have a gift massage, I need to use….thanks for the reminder!

    Foam rolling…yup need to do better at that too.

    Early running is so hard but I love the fact that it is done and I have the rest of the day 😉

  16. Thanks for the reminder to call my massage therapist! I haven’t seen him since the marathon and he is going to be so mad at me! I KNOW things are tight! Yay for getting back to running! Make sure you take it slow!
    Sue @ This Mama Runs for Cupcakes recently posted…Weekly Wrap: Snowstorms, running ruts, and wine…lots of wineMy Profile

  17. I have on my list to schedule a massage because I know I REALLY need it. I foam roll multiple times a week, but I definitely need a real massage to help me out!
    courtney @ eat pray run dc recently posted…Game Day Recipe Round UpMy Profile


  1. […] after run-fessing that I hadn’t made any progress on my weight loss, my scale made nice and showed a 2lb […]

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