Have you ever stopped to consider what’s in your skincare products? Last week, for work, I attended a webinar that discussed the potential risks from the chemicals used in many personal care products currently on the market. It was eye-opening to say the least! This webinar was a great reminder that while a lot of us spend time thinking about the quality of food we put into our bodies, reading labels and buying organic, do we put the same thought into personal products we use every day?
A few weeks back, I was contacted by Medicine Mama’s Apothecary about trying out some products from their organic skincare line. I had never heard of this company, but after poking around their website for a bit and learning about their story, I was eager to see what these products were all about.
I received three products to try:
Straight out of the box I loved the Sweet Bee Magic Wand lip and facial balm. It was not waxy, and kept my lips moist without a greasy feel. I also used it to treat an irritating patch of dry skin that had developed on my ring finger and was keeping me from wearing my wedding ring – took care of it in short order. I loved that it has so many potential uses. I think this Wand will be my go-to especially when the dry winter air takes hold.
Bars of soap typically leave my skin dry and taut and craving moisturizer, so I approached the Zinc Facial Bar with some trepidation. With the first use, it was clear I had nothing to worry about. The Bar just left my skin nice and clean – no dryness or irritation. According to their website, research shows that zinc aids skin imbalances by helping cells to regenerate. I will say, that overall I’m not a big fan of bars of soap because I don’t keep soap dishes in my bathroom. I’m more apt to use a liquid cleanser that can easily be dispensed, but this is just a personal preference and has nothing to do with the quality of the product. I’m hoping the folks at Medicine Mama will figure out a way to translate the goodness of this bar into a liquid form.
Ultra Facial Scrub is an amazing mix of honey, sugar, beeswax and olive oil — all organic. Seriously, this smells so delicious and left both my face and neck feeling luxuriously hydrated and smooth. And, while labeled a facial scrub, I found it did wonders for both my elbows and the heals of my feet. So much to love about this scrub!
All of Medicine Mama’s Apothecary products are made in small batches with only certified organic ingredients and no chemicals. Without a doubt, I would recommend giving these products a closer look!
Do you pay close attention to the ingredients in your skincare?
I was sent the skin care products by Medicine Mama’s Apothecary in exchange for a review. As always, all opinions expressed here are completely my own.
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That line looks great! I’ve been all over personal care ingredients ever since I wasn’t feeling great and suspected hormone disrupters to be the cause. There is SO much junk out there!
Marcia recently posted…What NOT to Pack for a Destination Race
Good for you for being on top of it! There is a LOT of junk out there!
I have only been reading up on the ingredients in my skin care as of late. The Chicago weather has really taken its toll on my Texas skin. This stuff looks great!
Tiffany @ The Chi-Athlete recently posted…Tangent Tuesday and Why I’m OKAY With Missing a Workout
Oh I bet that change in climate has really made a difference. These products are definitely worth a closer look!
I do not pay enough attention to what is in the ingredients in things but I know I should. The lip stuff looks good.
Deborah @ Confessions of a Mother Runner recently posted…Cranberry & Rice Stuffed Acorn Squash
Oh the lip & face balm was my fave – so many different uses!
Where do you find these products? They look great!
Wendy@Taking the Long Way Home recently posted…Pushing outside of the zone
Hey Wendy you can get them online at http://medicinemamasapothecary.com/collections/products FYI – they’ve got a big sale coming up soon 🙂