Can a single word make a difference?
Can it set the tone?….provide focus? ….serve as a reminder?
I believe it can…or at least I’m prepared to find out.
Around this time last year, I started reading a good deal about the practice of selecting one word for the year…while I didn’t end up choosing a word, there was something about the idea that resonated with me. As 2014 came to an end and I started thinking about what I wanted the new year to look like, lots of goals for different areas of my life came to mind – I recently shared my my running/fitness goals here.
And, as I sat with all of these different goals, I kept returning to desire to have one idea/theme to tie them all together. I started thinking about the one word practice again – a couple of words popped up fairly quickly but one seemed to sit best with me…
My word for 2015 is Thrive – to flourish, to progress, to evolve… I think this word will be a great inspiration for all I hope to do and be this year in so many aspects of my life.
Have you ever selected one word for the year? Do you have a word for 2015?
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I haven’t selected a word but thrive is a good one!
Marcia recently posted…New Year New You Fitness Giveaway
That is a FANTASTIC word! I haven’t picked a word, but this just might inspire me!
Coco (@Got2Run4Me) recently posted…Running In Golden Ponds Park
I love your word–so fitting in so many areas of life. I’ll be interested to see how you like using it throughout the year!
misszippy recently posted…Just like that, running surprises you
That’s a great choice for a word! I love it. I have been trying to come up with one myself. Not quite there yet.
Deborah @ Confessions of a Mother Runner recently posted…Kicked Up Corn Chowder~Meatless Monday
I love this idea and I’ve been seeing it everywhere as well. I haven’t picked one yet, but I LOVE your word!!
Sue @ This Mama Runs for Cupcakes recently posted…Weekly Recap & Hydroflask Review
I also love picking a word or theme. I don’t like lists of goals (maybe simply because I’m too lazy to make the list)..but a word / theme is manageable and easy enough to remember throughout the year!
Great word!! I had not thought about a word for the year, but your post inspires me to think of one. Thanks!
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