Just a few hours til race time

“Just take your time and have fun. 
Every race is not a PR but every race is an experience. 
Just enjoy the crowd/other runners.”
 — Runnerbee08 during #runchat (Twitter)

In about 4 hours I’ll be lining up with 7500 women for the Tufts 10k for Women….and I have no idea what to expect. I ran this race last year – it was my first 10k – so I know it will be a great atmosphere, but as for how I’ll do today I don’t have a clue.

I ran very little last week and not at all the week before as I try to coax my ITB away from a full revolt. And with Philly just 6 weeks, I don’t want to do anything that will put me further behind. So I’m basically going into this race without any expectations. My strategy is to see how I feel and just enjoy the experience!

Wish me luck!



  1. Good luck, have fun and tell that ITB to behave! You’ve come a long way in a year!

  2. My husband and I call this type of race a “high five race” – meaning, go slow enough to give high fives to kids (and watch their moms squirm while they dig out the Purel :))

    As you know, today is expected to be another warm one, and as luck would have it, your race starts at noon. Eeeeek!

    Have fun, deliver some high fives, and don’t wear your watch 🙂

  3. Just go out and enjoy the day, keeping the big goal in mind.

    It was fun doing #runchat with you last night!

  4. Good luck!! Have a great time and I hope your ITB behaves.

    I love Lisa’s comment about the Purell. Hilarious!

  5. Those are the best kind of races!

    I might spectate at Philly. Looking forward to seeing you there!

  6. Good luck and enjoy the race!

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