Training plan called for speedwork this morning so off to the track I went….and chatter brain was there waiting for me.
- My abs can still feel the effects of last night’s pilates class – love my pilates instructor but I think she was trying to kill us!
- Hmm… maybe the post-class glass of wine wasn’t the best idea.
- Hey look a family of bunny rabbits…aren’t they cute.
- Shoot…what lap am I on?!? OK enough warm-up time to bite the bullet and go.
- How many of these 800’s am I suppose to do!?!?
- I’m not going to make it….yes you can….No really I can’t!
- If this doesn’t kill me it will make me faster (I think I repeated this to myself for at least a solid lap!)
- I really hope there’s some coffee in my house.
- Left knee is NOT happy!!
- OK, last 800…and the perfect tune (“4 minutes” my fave tune of the moment happened to come up in the random shuffle on my iPod)
- I really, really hope there’s coffee at my house!
Anyone else suffering from chatter brain?!
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My brain has been hijacked by chattering monkeys for some time now!
Oh Yeah…I can totally relate…arguing with myself to keep going with a random thought thrown in there.
BTW What’s your fav tune? I need new music bad!!! I spend half of my time skipping tunes on my playlist.
I have chatter brain at the worst time, when I’m trying to go to sleep!