Hello December!
I know I start these posts often with the same declaration, but I have to say that I cannot believe it is December already. These days…this year, really, has flown by! Makes me wish time would slow down just a little…
So today marks the last Ultimate Coffee Date of the year. A huge shout out to our hosts Coco, Lynda and Deborah! So let’s settle in and catch up a little, shall we?
If we were having coffee together, I’d tell you that I joined a group of local moms last night for our town’s Holiday Stroll. We toured some beautifully decorated homes and then enjoyed a great gab-fest over wine and pizza afterwards. Such a fun way to kick off the holiday season!
If we were having coffee together, I’d tell you that I’m feeling slightly panicked that almost the first full week of December is over and our decorations are still buried in the attic. My boys have been nagging gently prodding us to get started…at a minimum I’m determined to get the lights up today. The tree goes up next weekend.
If we were having coffee together, I’d tell you that thanks to online shopping, I have at least gotten started on my gift list, and already have a few things delivered and awaiting wrapping.
If we were having coffee together, I’d tell you on the running front, things are progressing slowly, but progress is progress, right? I’m feeling hopeful enough to throw my hat in for the Cherry Blossom lottery again. Fingers crossed I get in and can manage the distance comfortably by then.
If we were having coffee together, I’d tell you how proud I am of my oldest son for deciding to try out for his school’s winter play. He’s talked about it doing it before, but nerves have won out. But, this time, he threw himself into it…and got a part! Great to see him step out of his comfort zone!
If we were having coffee together, I’d tell you I have to get ready to brave the crowds this morning in search of toys. My son’s community service project is a huge toy drive with one of the local Headstart programs….now if I can just remember what 2- and 3-year olds like to play with 🙂
So what would you tell me over coffee? Have you started getting ready for the holidays?