Back at the end of February, I mentioned (HERE) that I wasn't loving the way I was feeling on my runs and that it was time to take a much closer look at what I'm eating - both on run and rest days. So for the past couple of weeks I've been running my … [Continue reading]
Quick Wednesday Shout-out
If you've been around here for a while then you've heard me sing the praises of my running coach Bennett Cohen. With Bennett's guidance I have gotten "comfortable with being uncomfortable," become a better runner, and hit some PRs, all while keeping … [Continue reading]
Where did March go?
I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter! I got to start my day with a run with my oldest son (he wants to run a 5k!), there was egg-dying and hunting and a great family brunch. Cannot believe today is April 1st. For as slow as the days of … [Continue reading]
Returning to Hills
Today marks the return to hill work on my training plan. I've been looking forward to today with an odd mixture of dread and glee. Yes I said it...glee! Because while I know in the moment of running repeats, my quads will be burning and I'll be … [Continue reading]
What’s in my fitness closet?
I'm joining Pavement Runner and some other bloggers and peeling back the curtain to reveal madness that's taking over my closet - my ever-growing running gear collection. I took some time this weekend to pack up the winter gear (I don't care what … [Continue reading]
Omega Infusion Review
One thing I really struggle with is my hydration - unless it is the dog-days of summer, I have to really make a conscious effort to drink enough water. And I'll admit, sometimes I just get bored with plain old H2O. Often you'll find me putting either … [Continue reading]
Embracing the Challenge
Today begins week 6 of half marathon training. Recently Coach Bennett sent me the next two phases of my training plan. Since I was struggling with my runs due to my cranky ITB, I'd held off reviewing the rest of the plan - until yesterday. I got … [Continue reading]
Thursday Thoughts (aka 3 Things)
Returning to Running After Sunday's not-so-long long run, Coach Bennett insisted on 3 days of no running. Cross-training yes, strength training yes, but no running. Of course, Mother Nature decided to serve up some of the best weather days of the … [Continue reading]
Change in race plans
Black ice and an already tweaky knee quickly turned a 10 mile run in to 3 miles yesterday morning. I was lucky to not fall but the slide aggravated an already cranky left ITB/knee. I was only a mile and a half into my run when it happened and … [Continue reading]
Why I Meditate
From time to time, I have mentioned here and on Twitter that I meditate, and I've noticed that whenever I do I receive lots of inquiries about why I do it? Do I see any real benefits? Or, comments indicating that others would like to do it but don't … [Continue reading]