Medicine Mama’s Apothecary Review

Have you ever stopped to consider what's in your skincare products? Last week, for work, I attended a webinar that discussed the potential risks from the chemicals used in many personal care products currently on the market. It was eye-opening to say … [Continue reading]

Recovery Week 3 – Gaining Perspective

Perspective - "a particular attitude toward or way of regarding something; a point of view" Prior to learning that I was surgery bound, I have to admit that I was becoming pretty negative about my running. I was drowning in a see of "should be's" … [Continue reading]

The Runner’s Brain Review

I was provided a copy of The Runner's Brain for the purposes of a review. All opinions expressed here, as always are my own. While my running continues to remain on hold, I've had some extra time to catch up on my reading. One interesting book I … [Continue reading]

Recovery – Week 1 Done!

Hi all! Just a quick check-in from my couch. Hard to believe it's already been a week since the surgery. I'm happy to say that things went well, I had great nurses and was sprung and home by Thursday afternoon. Since then, I've been developing … [Continue reading]

October Ultimate Coffee Date

Can you believe it's already October?! There's a great chill in the air this morning - perfect for grabbing a big mug of coffee and settling in for this month's Ultimate Coffee Date, hosted by Coco, Lynda and Deborah. If we were having coffee … [Continue reading]

My Simple Fix is Now Not So Simple

Well I've been sitting with this news for a few days it's time to share. My fall racing season is not going to happen as I'm headed for surgery next Tuesday. Remember how I thought it would be a simple fix to treat my iron deficiency … [Continue reading]

261 Fearless Ambassador!!

I am very excited to announce that I have been selected as a 261 Fearless Ambassador! What's 261 Fearless? It is an organization founded by the amazing Katherine Switzer, first woman to run the Boston Marathon in 1967. Katherine's bib number for … [Continue reading]

Friday Five – Favorite Fall Activities

Hello Friday! I don't know about you, but it's been one l-o-n-g week and I am so happy to see Friday! Fall weather rolled in nicely this week and it looks like a beautiful weekend  ahead. When I don't have to be inside for my son's hockey game or … [Continue reading]

Running Must Haves

Joining up with Erika, April, and Patty again for today's Tuesdays on the Run topic "I won't run without..." While I have been know to occasionally run "naked" - leaving the Garmin in the drawer, there are some items I just must have when I step out … [Continue reading]

Thursday Thoughts – the non-run edition

My running is still on hold.... I swear the minute you're told you can't run, the weather seems to be perfect and it feels like there are runners everywhere. I've been trying to take advantage of my "free" time to get more yoga in - there's no … [Continue reading]