Weekly Wrap: Goals, Decisions & StrideBox

I know it's already been said by many, but I do have to ask - how is it possible that tomorrow is May 1st?!? I had set 5 goals for April: Hit every workout Run 100 miles Continue my plank challenge Weekly yoga Meal … [Continue reading]

Weekly Wrap – Marathon Fun and RtR Week 7

Happy Sunday! What a crazy week this was! Things were hectic at work and my youngest son had spring break - throw in week 2 with the new puppy and suffice it to say it was a constant juggle. There was also volunteering at the Boston Marathon - … [Continue reading]

5 Benefits of Planking

5 benefits of planking

If you've been around here for a bit then you know that I'm a fan of planks! In fact, one of my goals for the month of April is 5 minutes of daily planking (and no...not 5 minutes straight - I break the 5 minutes into intervals). Everyone can … [Continue reading]

RtR Week 6 Wrap-up

Happy Easter to all who celebrate! I want to say a huge thank you to everyone who weighed in on my training dilemma. It was interesting to hear others' perspectives. This past week for me was filled with yoga, PT exercises, daily planking...and … [Continue reading]

Wrapping up Week 5 – BTDT

I'm feeling a bit like a broken record here! Training continues to be a mixed bag as my hip giveth and my hip taketh away. I have been babying this hip/glute thing for a few weeks now and on average I'm lucky if I hit 5 miles on any given run (though … [Continue reading]

RtR Training – What happened to Week 4?!

Good grief last week was a complete blur! Add to the chaos, two kids with the stomach bug and feeling under the weather myself and you have the perfect storm to throw my training into a tailspin! Here are the "highlights." Monday -- Scheduled rest … [Continue reading]

Coffee Date – No April Foolin’

Nothing better then a chance to slow down and catch up over a mug of coffee (or tea if you prefer). So I’m joining Coco and Deborah for the monthly Coffee Date. Settle in, grab a comfy chair, and let's chat a little, shall we? If we were … [Continue reading]

April 2017 Goals

April 2017 goals

I feel like I was a bit all over the map in March fitness wise, so I'm throwing down some goals for April. Hit every workout -- There's not a lot of white space on my April calendar so I'm going to need to do whatever it takes to get my workouts … [Continue reading]

RtR Training Week 3

Well as I predicted, this was a week of managing colliding schedules and I knew I was going to have to be flexible in figuring out how to fit my workouts in. It was a bit of a mixed bag, but my plan is to log a weekly training recap to help keep … [Continue reading]

Weekly Wrap: Catching Up

Happy Sunday! I feel like it's been a while since I joined in on the Weekly Wrap link-up! Thanks as always to Holly & Tricia for hosting the link-up. So let's get caught up, shall we? This time last week I was just kicking off 4 whirlwind … [Continue reading]