6 months down...6 months to go. While I would have much preferred to have trained for and participated in the races I had on the calendar for the first half of this year, I have found a bit of a silver lining that I'm holding on to. In the … [Continue reading]
Running into July
Happy Sunday! Did you have an enjoyable 4th? Mine was very low-key. After completing the June Summer Streaker Challenge (1-mile run or 20-minute workout each day), I took my first complete rest day. I did nada, nothing....it was a gloriously lazy … [Continue reading]
Ultimate Coffee – July 4th edition
Happy Friday! It's a long holiday weekend and I am kicking things off by joining Deborah and Coco for the Ultimate Coffee Date. I'm lazing on my deck with a mug of Starbucks French Roast, so let's chat a little... July Ultimate Coffee … [Continue reading]
Hello Summer!
Heat and humidity are the names of the game around here this week as we close out the final days of June. It is crazy to think that we are almost to the halfway point of the year. Now seems like a good time to take a step back, reassess, and set some … [Continue reading]
Let’s runfess, shall we?
Happy Friday! How are we at the end of June already? It's the last Friday of the month and once again Marcia has opened the runfessional! So before we step into the second half of 2020, let's take a moment to cleanse our soles/souls. ;) I … [Continue reading]
Mid-month check-in
Happy Sunday! While things have been fairly quiet here on the blog lately, if you follow me on Instagram you know that I'm still plugging along with my workouts. Working out continues to provide a much-needed escape from all that continues to … [Continue reading]
Connecting over June Coffee
It's the first weekend of a new month which means it's time for the Ultimate Coffee Date with Deborah and Coco. Given all that going on in the world right now I doubt if anyone would fault me if I dropped a little something (Kahlua, Bailey's anyone?) … [Continue reading]
MAYhem Done – Hello June!
It's the last day of May and my first thought is Hallelujah! Somehow I went into this month believing that without all of the traditional school events and both of my sons' lacrosse schedules to contend with that this would be a low-keyed month...Boy … [Continue reading]
A Few May Runfessions
Happy Friday! It's the last Friday of the month which means Marcia has opened the Runfessional and I've got a couple of things to share. Mother Nature flipped the humidity switch this week and decided to go right for "oppressive" levels … [Continue reading]
Weekly Run Down Memorial Day Edition
Happy Sunday! Wrapping up week 10 here on the Corona trail. While it was another stress-filled work week, knowing that I had the 3-day weekend coming helped to make it more manageable. I'm happy to say that the Family Plank Challenge is … [Continue reading]