Just Rolling With It.

Seriously how is it Sunday again? This week went by in a blur - I was crazy busy workwise but got a lot accomplished so I'm not complaining. Things are going to be pretty crazy until I get through a couple of big events in October so I'm just rolling … [Continue reading]

Five Things for This Fall

I make no secret that Fall is my favorite season and I could give you a long list of the things I love about it. But, for this week's Fit Five Friday, I'm sharing 5 things I'm most looking forward to this season. Five Things for This Fall Fall … [Continue reading]

Week 36 – Back to School

This week felt long for so many reasons.... ...there were long commutes to the office - the roads were extra crowded after the long weekend ... there was trying to settle into a new routine as my highschooler returned to school - navigating the … [Continue reading]

Hello September

I know we're not at the official end of summer yet, but there was a noticeable shift in the weather towards the end of the week just as September rolled in. While I will never be one to wish days away (time really does fly by far too fast), I'm not … [Continue reading]

Labor Day Weekend Coffee

Happy Friday! And, not only is it Friday but it is the start of a long weekend...and it's extra long for me because my office is closed today for our last "Summer Friday" of the season! I'm ready to kick back and relax so for this week's Fit Five … [Continue reading]

Week 33 – Keeping it Simple

I'm squeezing all the goodness I can into this last weekend together as a family. We're in the crunch of prepping to move my son into school while packing in as much family fun as possible. The work week continues to be busy and so the goal was just … [Continue reading]

Five Ways Runners Can Benefit from Acupuncture

I'm happy to say that my quest to find a new acupuncturist is finally over and I cannot wait for my appointment! I've been a big believer in acupuncture since I was first introduced to acupuncture over 20 years ago as a solution for my once … [Continue reading]

Time to Think About Training

Well I finally have a fall race on the calendar so it's time to start thinking about training again. But before I get ahead of myself, I'm linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down. Here's how this week in fitness played out... Week 32 … [Continue reading]

Five August Goals…a little late

I know, I know, it's already the 12th of the month - perhaps it's a little late to talk about the month's goals. But, I did set some at the start of the month and meant to share them earlier, then work/life got in the way and I never posted. So … [Continue reading]

My Non-Running Week

After last Sunday's struggle to complete 4.25 miles, the quad and TFL pain continued into Monday. So, instead of fighting with it, I decided to just give in and take the week off from running. I only have one fall race on the horizon (November) so … [Continue reading]