Monday’s Motivation

"You've got to get up every morning with motivation if you're gonna go to bed with satisfaction"                                                       -- Lomier 'Nuf said in my book!Starting week 8 of C25K !! 2.75 mile runs, plus I'm adding … [Continue reading]

Warning…I’m going caffeine free!

I'm getting ready to start the UltraSimple Diet on Sunday, and among other things I'm eliminating caffeine...a very BIG deal for me!  Seriously, I should have a sign around my neck warning people to approach me at their own risk!I don't really think … [Continue reading]

It’s National Running Day!

Today is National Running Day!  The goal of this movement is to nationally promote running as a healthy, easy and accessible form of exercise for people of all ages. I especially like the fact that one of the stated missions on the National Running … [Continue reading]

Signed up for my first race

OK I did it - I bit the bullet and signed up for a 5K! On Sunday, June 27th I'll be running in the 2010 New Charles River Run! It's a nice flat course around the beautiful Charles River in Boston. After reading others' race reports, I was … [Continue reading]

Dare to Achieve

"Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly."                                      - Robert F Kennedy … [Continue reading]

Nike Triax+ 13 Product Review**

I've now been running in this shoe, both on the track and on road for about 2 weeks now and there are just so many things I love about my new Nike Structure Triax+13 running shoes: felt good right out of the box which was not the case with my … [Continue reading]

Great giveaways!

I've come across some great giveaways in the blogoshere lately and wanted to spread the word. So be sure to check out:Running Diva Momma - Chill Towels (5/27)Running Off at the Mouth - Sof Sole and Rock N Roll (5/28)I Run Because...I Can - … [Continue reading]

Haunted by Harriet

I'm sure you've heard the saying that "age ain't nothin' but a number" or "you're as young as you feel." They're nice feel-good phrases, and generally I've always believed there's some truth to them. Well, now I've come across a woman whose … [Continue reading]

Feel Great Today!

"You don't run to look good in the moment, you run to feel great afterwards." - Jodie Lightfoot Hope everyone feels great today! Happy Monday! … [Continue reading]

My First Award? How cool!

Just about a month since I started this blog and I have my first award! Big shout out and thank you to Erica at I Run Because I Can for sending this my way! So I'm suppose to list 7 things about myself and then pick 15 bloggers to pass this on to.7 … [Continue reading]