July already?!?! I know everybody seems to be saying that but it really does feel like the first half of this year flew by in a blink…especially the month of June. When I laced up for my run yesterday I realized it was my first run in two months … [Continue reading]
Everyone should Run Like a Mother!
I'd heard about the book Run Like A Mother and had been meaning to check it out. Got to read a few pages with the "Look Inside" feature on Amazon and I was hooked. I quickly downloaded the book to my Kindle (love that instant gratification!) and … [Continue reading]
First Race Report!!!
My first race report -- feels so good to say that!Quite simply, I had so much fun this morning!The whole family was up and out fairly easily this morning. The boys were really excited to go cheer on mom and while I was initially a little nervous when … [Continue reading]
In Praise of Yamuna Body Rolling
A few weeks ago in one of my many attempts to clean my hall closet, I came across my Yamuna Body Rolling balls tucked away on a shelf. I decided to put them to use again and now I cannot imagine why I ever let them disappear into the abyss of my … [Continue reading]
Pain is temporary
Pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day or a year, but eventually it will subside and something else will take its place. If I quit, however, it lasts forever. --Lance … [Continue reading]
Final week in the books
Finished my last run of the C25K program. I wish I could say it was a great run but let's just say humidity, hills and an angry stomach made for a very l-o-n-g three miles! Note to self -- choose what you eat the night before a run wisely!On the … [Continue reading]
random observations from the road
Hit the road this morning to start the final week of the C25K program . It was an absolutely picture perfect morning and I actually turned my iPod off (gasp!) and just took in the run. it is amazing how many drivers are busy doing something else … [Continue reading]
Impossible is Nothing
"Impossible is just a big word thrown around bysmall men who find it easier to live in the worldthey've been given than to explore the powerthey have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It's an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a … [Continue reading]
Another first – a rain run
I am seriously what you could call a "fair weather" runner and have used the weather as my excuse for why I couldn't run. "It's too cold," "It's too hot"...or (the most often used) "It's raining!" That is until this morning. I had planned to run at 6 … [Continue reading]
Cross-training Mommy Style
So does playing soccer with my 4 yr-old while simultaneously playing football with my German Shepherd count towards my cross-training for this week? Or, given how much running back and forth across the yard I did with the dog, maybe I should count it … [Continue reading]