Friday Shout Outs

In pulling myself out of this little motivation slump I find myself in lately, I take inspiration from those of you toeing the line this weekend!Especially wanted to send Friday Shout Outs to:Chris at Evolving through Running running the OBX … [Continue reading]

Thursday Thoughts (aka 3 things)

If someone finds my motivation, could you please return it to me! I haven't run or cross-trained in a week -- nothing, nada, zip! My mood is starting to suffer a bit. "I am not my To Do list!" -- This has become my mantra this week as I've been … [Continue reading]

November – Now What?

October is now in the rearview mirror but it will be missed! While I didn't continue my "more mileage each month" trend, I did run two races this month including my first 10k and I saw my pace start to get faster. I even had a 4 minute PR in my … [Continue reading]

Fall Classic 5K Race Report

Sunday morning I ran the Canton Fall Classic. After a couple of decent runs last week and a couple of days of rest, my left knee was feeling pretty good and I was looking forward to running. I was also looking forward to cheering on my friend E as … [Continue reading]

The knee watch continues

So far, so good....I managed to string together a couple of runs and a killer Pilates class this week, and the good news is any discomfort in my left knee was mild!So barring any changes in the next couple of days, I'm going to run a local race on … [Continue reading]

A Very Public Thank You!

Mark Remy at Runner World has a great blog post today, declaring today National Married-to-a-Runner Appreciation Day and encouraging his fellow runners to salute their supportive spouses. I just love this idea! My hubby has been my biggest … [Continue reading]

Week in review

On Monday it was time to see what a week of babying my knee had done for me. I got out early and went for 4 miles and felt good when finished. Quickly followed up with Yamuna Body Rolling and ice. Life got in the way and it was clear Wednesday's run … [Continue reading]

Nagging knees and future planning

I've been babying my left knee following Monday's race. I did go to my usual Pilates class on Wednesday and ventured out for a comfortable 3 mile run on Thursday. All seemed well, until Friday morning when my overly excited German Shepherd came … [Continue reading]

Race report – My 1st 10k

Another first for me - on Monday I took on the Tufts 10k for Women! My first race at this distance and definitely the biggest sporting event I had ever participated in!My friend Kathy was also running, so we decided to head into together on the … [Continue reading]

A random Wednesday…

Is it just me or is this week crawling along?It's still raining in the northeast, and over the past couple of days I've wondered if we should start pairing up the animals two by two?But I'm trying hard NOT to diss Mother Nature because the forecast … [Continue reading]