Double digits

When I first put my training plan into Smart Coach weeks ago, today was a day I circled. Today would be the first time I'd hit double digits! While I was out running this morning, I kept thinking about where I was almost a year ago - working my … [Continue reading]

Treadmill hills

Driving rain combined with a little thunder and lightening meant I was heading to the treadmill this morning. To keep it interesting I decided to do a hills workout. I picked the "foothills" workout from Running Planet that I've mentioned here before … [Continue reading]

More new kicks – Vibrams!

So look what was delivered to my door the other day.... Yep, a pair of Vibram Bikila LS! Back in February my hubs and I won a pair from a charity auction at my son's school. We had our choice of Vibrams and both selected the Bikila LS.  In case you … [Continue reading]

Friday 9!

Well Hello Friday - so glad you showed up! It has been a long week...nothing dramatic, just one of those weeks where you feel like you're running around like a chicken with it's head cut off! I was very happy to wake up this morning and know it was … [Continue reading]

8 weeks and counting

So forgive the randomness this morning....I'm trying to cut back on how much coffee I've been drinking lately. But Monday morning plus lack of caffeine = bullet pointsIt was great to have a step-back week last week - my body really needed the … [Continue reading]

March Rewind

Good things for the month: Logged 69 miles and for the most part my left leg cooperated. Started my training plan for my first half marathon! Participated in Detroit Runner's "I Just Felt Like Running" virtual 5k ChiRunning one-on-one workshop -- so … [Continue reading]

Enjoying a step-back week

This week is a step back week for me and I'm feeling like it's come at a good time.After logging 22 miles last week (the most for me in a long time), plus cross-training, I was feeling a little beat by the end of the weekend. The good news is that … [Continue reading]

ChiRunning – the Aha Workshop!

This morning I had my one-on-one workshop with Certified ChiRunning Instructor Ryan Miller. It was a morning of Aha moments! We started with a quick warm up run which gave us a chance to talk about some of my concerns: making sure I'm … [Continue reading]

A move towards minamalism… steps

Last Saturday, I was invited to attend a minimalist shoe clinic sponsored by Saucony. It was a great chance to see their full line, including a shoe that won't be available until the summer. I appreciate their philosophy that minimalism doesn't have … [Continue reading]


There's a difference between interest and commitment.  When you're interested in something, you do it only when it's convenient.  When you're committed to something, you except no excuses, only results. -- Kenneth Blanchard Just a little something … [Continue reading]