So how's everyone doing? Hanukkah begins Sunday. Christmas is 9 days away. Students are winding up semesters in a flurry of projects, exams, papers, and performances. Work is a sea of urgent requests, budget negotiations, or insert your industry's … [Continue reading]
Keeping it low key
The schedule continues to be jammed packed - tis' the season! Always grateful for the sanity balance that working out provides. Here's a quick peek at my fitness week. Keeping it Low Key Monday -- 2-mile walk & Yoga for hips Tuesday -- … [Continue reading]
Fit Five Friday – Stocking Stuffers for Runners
Happy Friday! The holiday shopping crunch is on! In my house, stocking stuffers are a big deal so for this week's Fit Five Friday I'm sharing a few stocking stuffer ideas for the runners in your life. This post includes affiliate … [Continue reading]
Hello December!
And, just like that, we've hit the last month of what has often felt like a sprint of a year. It was another busy week as everyone at work tries to jam in "all the things" before year-end vacations kick in. On the fitness front, I'm still trying to … [Continue reading]
December Coffee – The last coffee of 2022
I swear once we hit Thanksgiving it always feels like a sprint to the end of the year. Well, I'm doing all I can to slow down and enjoy this last month of the year, and that begins with a little catch-up over coffee with Deborah and Coco for … [Continue reading]
Recovery Mode
November has been a fun month...and I'll freely admit that I'm tired! After 3 straight weekends of being on the road, it has felt so nice to be at home this weekend. My workouts this week were intentionally minimal as I shifted into recovery … [Continue reading]
November Runfessions
Happy Friday! This month flew by in a blink (I feel like I say that often!), and here we are on the last Friday of the month. That means Marcia has opened the runfessional. It’s also time for another Fit Five Friday hosted … [Continue reading]
Philly 8K Race Recap
This past weekend, my husband J and I headed to Philly to run the 8K as part of the Philadelphia Marathon Weekend. I had originally planned to run the half marathon but my work schedule and cranky hip flexor hindered my long runs and had me shifting … [Continue reading]
On the Road Again
Happy Sunday! This week had me flying home from wine country, working a couple of days, and then back on a plane, this time Philly-bound! My usual workout routine has been taking a hit, but I've been fitting in what I can where I can. Here's a … [Continue reading]
Western Mass 10 Mile Race Recap
A couple of weeks ago I toed the line for the inaugural Western Mass 10 Miler. While I'm usually not a fan of "inaugural races" - I like to wait for some of the kinks to be worked out - I was excited to run this one because 1) I've made no secret of … [Continue reading]