Good things for February: Started working with Coach Bennett again! Ran the Frosty Virtual 5K Started the 30-day ab/core challenge Enjoying my new gym, despite too many runs on the 'mill Unveiled the blog's new look! Things I could do … [Continue reading]
Running and eating
One of my goals for 2013 is to set back and take a hard look at my nutrition. As I have said before while I don't eat a lot of junk, I know there's room for some improvement. Lately, I've been feeling really sluggish during my runs - this morning's … [Continue reading]
Race #1 Done, 12 to go
The Frosty Virtual 5K/10K/Half was benefiting the American Cancer Society - a cause I was very happy to support. I lost both my grandmothers to cancer and both of those amazing women were on my mind Saturday morning. I stuck to my plan and got … [Continue reading]
Here we go again
It's been school vacation week here and I will admit this is usually a week I dread because it's usually too cold to be outdoors and every museum, movie theater, arcade, bowling ally or other possible indoor activity is jam-packed with other … [Continue reading]
The race that didn’t happen
So Mother Nature was in a mood this weekend and Sunday's race didn't happen. When a race director describes the conditions as "treacherous" thanks to a combination of a couple of inches of snow and 45 mph winds - I'm good with the decision to … [Continue reading]
First race this weekend!
My first race of 2013 is Sunday - the Wampanoag Old-Fashioned 10 Miler. I ran this race last year with my husband J as a tune up to the RnR USA half marathon. It was a fun race on a nice course and right after the race I pretty much decided … [Continue reading]
For the love of the run
In the spirit of Valentine's Day, David & Scott over at RunChat are once again encouraging runners to share what they love about running. I participated last year and it's fun to go back and see the 10 reasons I posted then -- I would say none of … [Continue reading]
Good stuff happening
First off -- Welcome to the new and improved Running with Attitude! After announcing on more than one occasion that I wanted to move from Blogger to a self-hosted site I've finally made it happen -- Thanks hugely to Rita at Blog Genie, who I swear … [Continue reading]
Calm before the storm
Source It's the calm before the storm.....literally! A monster snow storm is due to hit the Boston area starting some time early this afternoon. In anticipation of what's to come the schools have already been closed and the local weather … [Continue reading]
Monday Motivation
I don't believe you have to be better than everybody else. I believe you have to be better than you ever thought you could be. - Ken Venturi Start this week, this day, this moment with the simple … [Continue reading]