6 weeks down, 6 to go

This past weekend I wrapped up the first 6 weeks of my training plan. Some observations so far?

  • I’m learning to be comfortable with being uncomfortable! With past training, I have been training within my comfort zone — working hard, but within my comfort level. With the plan Coach Bennett has designed for me, I am definitely stretching — running paces I would have written off as being too much.
  • I shouldn’t underestimate the power of sleep. I have been short-changing myself on sleep and it has been showing up in my workouts of late. I blame my late nights on the Olympics and now that we’ve said goodbye to London, I need to start heading to bed much earlier!
  • More attention needs to be paid to what I’m eating, especially post-run. my recovery, especially after long runs and speed work would benefit from paying more attention here.
  • Pro-active self care in the form of foam roller, consistent yoga practice, and massages have helped to keep me injury free. Some tweakiness in my left knee did cause me to miss one run last week, but rest, icing and KT tape seem to be keeping it in check.
  • After discussing my tweaky knee with my coach on our bi-weekly call, he has urged me to do some of the hamstring and ITB strengthening exercises he sent me; so I’ll be doing those exercises at least 3 times a week going forward.

Over the next 6 week phase, it looks like I’ll be replacing the intervals with hill work to get ready for the rolling hills of ZOOMA Cape Cod and increasing my weekly mileage.

How’s your fall race training going? What have you learned so far?



"Where is ZOOMA going next?" Giveaway

I’ve heard from several of you, either on the blog or Twitter, that ZOOMA races sound like fun and you wished you lived closer so that you could run ZOOMA Cape Cod.

Well …did you know that ZOOMA is about to announce their newest race location? Check out the video:

On Thursday ZOOMA will announce where they’re headed to next, but in the meantime they’re giving you a chance to guess the location and win a great bunch of swag from the mystery locale!

Visit the ZOOMA blog, leave a comment with your guess and you’re entered! Easy peasy 🙂

Good Luck!



Thursday Thoughts (aka 3 things)

The humidity finally broke last night following some crazy thunderstorms so this morning’s run was the first really pleasant run of the week – a 3 mile Fartlek, run #3 in the Merrell Pace Gloves…I’m still very happy with them!

I’ve got a massage scheduled for later today. As I mentioned in a post about acupuncture earlier this year, one of my big goals for 2012 is to stay injury-free, and one of my “proactive self care” steps is to try to get regular massages. Obviously my wallet will dictate how often I can go, but I’m going to do my best to make them a consistent part of my fall training plan.

64 days until the ZOOMA Cape Cod Half Marathon & 10k! I’m so psyched that my friend E has signed up to run the 10k so we’ll be Cape-bound together! The course map is now up on the ZOOMA website and it looks like this course will offer a little bit of everything…great ocean views, tree-lined streets and rolling hills. You can checkout the course HERE. Registration is capped at 1,000 for the two races so don’t wait to register – you can still use the code CCAMB3 and receive $10 off the half marathon or $5 off the 10k.


ZOOMA Cape Cod Kickoff Party

Tuesday night was the ZOOMA Cape Cod kickoff event at City Sports Boston! It was a great chance to meet Brooke (ZOOMA’s events director), fellow ambassadors Bethany & Samantha, as well as to see Nancy & Jessica again! The night was a great mix of running, meeting new people, fun swag, and shopping!

Me with Bethany, Nancy, Samantha, Jessica & Brooke

We started off the evening with a group run. City Sports Boston has a great running group that meets every Tuesday night, running either a 3.5 mile loop or a 5 mile loop. And, lucky for us, Bethany regularly runs with them so she led our ZOOMA group! We ran a little over 3 miles with a nice stretch along the Charles River (one of my favorite spots for a run). It was a great chance to chat and meet some of the women who’d come out for the event – for some of the women ZOOMA will be their first half marathon and for others it will be their first 10k – how cool! I was also really happy to get to meet up with Vicma, one of the lead ambassadors for Black Girls Run’s Boston chapter – after being in touch online it was so fun to meet her in person!

Post-run there were snacks and the folks from Muscle Milk were handling out samples. There were also  massages for the runners, raffles and with a 20% discount on everything in the store, a chance to shop!

Yes I walked out with these – Merrell Dash Gloves!

It was a great party and people left really excited about the race! Personally I cannot wait! I think this party is a perfect indication of what September’s race will be like – a great mix of running and fun!


Fun ZOOMA Lunch

Jessica, me, Nancy, Ann Curry Peisig, Brae Blackley

Part of my National Running Day celebration was to down head to Falmouth to the beautiful Sea Crest Beach Hotel for a lunch hosted by ZOOMA race founder Brae Blackley. Brae had invited some of the local media, coaches and local runners plus the Ambassadors to get together for an informal preview of the ZOOMA Cape Cod Half Marathon & 10k. 

It was great meeting fellow ambassadors Nancy & Jessica – it’s going to be fun working with them! And after meeting Brae and learning about how ZOOMA got started and her vision for creating a really special experience for runners, I can say I’m even more excited for this race!

A little ZOOMA Swag!

The Sea Crest is newly renovated and is going to make a great host hotel for the race! The hotel is waiving the standard 2-night minimum and is offering a great rate to ZOOMA runners of $199 per night. Definitely a great deal for Cape Cod in September!

And, don’t forget, you can use the discount code in my side bar and receive $10 off the half marathon or $5 off the 10k. I have no doubt this race is going to sellout so don’t wait to register!

All in all it was a fun way to spend an afternoon! And yes I did do a little race shopping when I got home – I’m still trying to flesh out anniversary plans with J so I didn’t officially register for anything, but I’ve got my eye on a couple that should help make for a busy Fall!



National Running Day!

Today is National Running Day! A day for runners to declare their passion for running (not that we really need one day for that!) and maybe to inspire someone else to join us!

So how will you be celebrating?

With a group run?
Registering for a race?
Purchasing some new running gear?

Me? I just squeezed in a nice easy 4 miler before putting the boys on the school bus. Later today I’ll be attending the ZOOMA Cape Cod preview luncheon hosted by race founder Brae Blackley. I’m looking forward to meeting Brae and the other race ambassadors, and hearing all about the plans for ZOOMA Cape Cod!

And then yes, there’s always the possibility of a little race shopping before the day is done 🙂

What have you got planned for today?

Hello June

After losing about half the month to being sick, I am very happy to be putting May in the rearview mirror. I’m ready to set some new goals for June and the summer ahead!

June Goals:

  • Hit all of my training runs – total miles: 90
  • Commit to not walking a hill on any of my runs
  • Complete the Another Mother Runner Challenge
  • Complete the June 100x Challenge
  • Weekly yoga
  • Core work 3x’s/week
  • Strength training at least 2x/week
  • Set myself up for a strong 10k on July 3rd

With a strong June, I should be in great shape to start training for the ZOOMA Half Marathon in September!

What are your June goals? Do you have a big fall race planned?


ZOOMA Race Series

Have you noticed the new button at the top of my sidebar? I’m thrilled to say that last week I was invited to be a ZOOMA Connector for their Cape Cod Half Marathon and 10k on September 22! Since I first learned about the ZOOMA race series last year, I have been eyeing this race on the Cape.  As they describe on their website:

Imagine a powerful sea of women on the move–encouraging fellow runners and celebrating personal running triumphs.  Picture a post-race party and expo all wrapped up in one memorable “after-party expo” where these strong goal-oriented women come together for well-deserved partying and pampering.  This is the Muscle Milk Light ZOOMA Women’s Race Series.

Combined with the beauty of Cape Cod in the Fall — what’s not to love!?! I’m really excited to be part of this race series!

Want to join me in Falmouth?  

ZOOMA is hosting it’s first-ever national “Girlfriend Getaway” sweepstakes! In partnership with Skirt Sports, ISIS, Sherpani, Women’s Adventure Magazine and MyChelle, one grand-prize winner will receive an all expenses paid trip for two to the ZOOMA Cape Cod Half Marathon & 10k. The “Girlfriend Getaway” Grand Prize package is valued at over $2,000. Entries are being accepted now through June 11, 2012 on the ZOOMA Sweepstakes page.

Want to register now?  

ZOOMA is offering all Running with Attitude readers a discount! Use the code CCCONN3 and receive $10 off the half marathon or $5 off the 10k when you register online. There’s no expiration date!

I plan to run the half marathon and am rounding up a couple of friends to join me! Should be a great weekend!
