- If you’ve been following along with me for a while now then you know I’m big on making lists…well I think I’ve crossed the line when I start putting “make a list” on the to do list! Is there a List Anonymous Group I can join?
- I need to work out a deal with UPS that they deliver no packages on the weekends….my kids are getting suspicious and I’m running out of places to hide gifts!
- And, whose brilliant idea was it to starting painting my kitchen/family room just a few weeks before Christmas?!!? Oh yeah…that would be me…my husband is really a good sport.
- I’ve started doing a little writing for the Examiner.com’s Boston edition – you can check out my first article HERE (yes…shameless plug). The funny thing is I had tons of article ideas floating around in my head, then I got the gig and have been having writer’s block.
- On the running front, despite not being thrilled with being sidelined for a bit at the beginning of the month with a cold, the rest has clearly done my knee some good. My last few runs have felt good and been pain-free!
OK…now I’m off to tackle one of my many lists!
Happy Monday!