1) I either need to find more hours in the day or tone down my somewhat ambitious to do list. Perhaps it’s the shortened week after the boys being home on Monday, but really feel like I’m struggling to keep all the balls in the air.
2) Is anyone else getting bombarded with summer camp brochures/email reminders? I mean seriously people it’s January 19 – what’s the rush?! I like to be as organized as the next girl, but sometimes it feels like there’s so much focus on the next thing/season/activity, etc. that there’s no time to just be in the moment and enjoy now. Of course, this is coming from someone who recently posted a full year’s race schedule…ironic, I know.
3) My training schedule’s going to need some tweeking. In an effort to increase my weekly mileage, I’m running 5 days, but with my weekly hour of pilates butt-kicking…I mean class on Wednesday nights this means I’m running twice and doing the class all within a 24 hr period. While I’ve been able to do it, I’m freakin’ tired by the time Thursday afternoon rolls around. And even with Friday as a rest or yoga day, I’m finding I’m still a little low energy when I head out for my long run on Saturday. I’m going to play around with the plan over the next couple of weeks and see if I can come up with something that’s a little kinder to my 45-year-old legs 😉