Happy Monday All!
Thank you again for the good wishes last week! As I suspected there was no miracle recovery and I did end up missing Sunday’s race. In a rare move on my part, I just gave in to what my body needed, rested a ton and as of this morning I’m finally feeling like I’m coming out of my crud/virus-induced haze. It helped that the weather was rainy and damp — made it easier to give in and stay in bed or on the couch.
Since I was sick for the better part of last week there’s not much to recap but I did just realize that this little ole blog turned 4 yesterday! One of these blog-anniversaries I’ll be organized enough to celebrate with a giveaway or something. But not this year….Instead I offer my heartfelt gratitude for all you who stop by my little corner of the blogisphere and offer support and encouragement!!
So now it’s a new week and I’m ready to get moving again! My next race is in 4 weeks so the plan is to get back on the road and get some miles in and get to my weekly Pilates Barre class. I’ll also be starting Shaun T’s Focus T25! I’ve wanted to try it for a while, but had been debating how to fit it in with my runs. After getting to preview the workouts a couple of weeks ago at my brother’s house, I finally decided to just bite the bullet and dive in. Wish me luck 😉
What have you got planned for this week?