On this morning’s run, I discovered….
- 36 degrees feels so much colder when it’s windy and the whole run feels like you’re running into the wind!
- I may have been out of my mind registering for a race at the end of February on Cape Cod!
- running by the bank display when it reads 36 degrees is no better than running by it when it reads 86 degrees
- …and I’m still wondering who decided banks needed to provide the temperature in the first place!
- I’m not sure the point of wearing “wicking” material when I’m too cold to generate a sweat!
- those extending dog leashes should be outlawed if it means people and their little dogs are allowed to take up the entire sidewalk
- …and why is it you never see a big dog on one of those things?
- running with a cap with a brim in the wind = a lot of wasted effort to keep the darn thing on
- despite moments of whining, I’m glad I got out here!