Monday Motivation – Rain edition

March Rewind
- Logged 69 miles and for the most part my left leg cooperated.
- Started my training plan for my first half marathon!
- Participated in Detroit Runner’s “I Just Felt Like Running” virtual 5k
- ChiRunning one-on-one workshop — so many good things, (if you missed it, you can check out my post about it here)
- Continued to add more yoga to my plan.
- 81 of you now follow this little journey of mine — welcome to the new followers — and to all, thanks for the support!
- Quite simply…this weather! Seriously…where is Spring? Snow is falling as I type this. If I ever track down that groundhog, he should be very afraid!
- Continue to build on my ChiRunning practice
- Start rotating a minimalist shoe into my runs — starting with my shorter runs and then build from there.
- More strength training and core work.
- My first double-digit runs!
What have you got planned for April?

Thursday Thoughts: Pre-Race Edition
- The sharp knee pain from Sunday morphed into dull, but very present knee pain on Monday and Tuesday. So I skipped Tuesday’s 3 miler in favor of a lot of ice and some stretching. Seems to have paid off because today’s intervals felt great – speedy for me at a 9:30 pace and best of all the knee pain was gone!
- There’s a different forecast every time I check weather.com so still have no idea what the conditions will be like on Sunday. Being the type A personality that I am, I’ve made a gear list for every possible scenario so bring it on Mother Nature!
- My TRX class last night and the recent knee pain have proven to me that I need to dedicate more time to strength training. It is one of my goals for 2011, but so far I haven’t been walking the walk with any consistency. But I’m committing to making it a key part of my half marathon training and will probably post my weekly training schedule here to help keep me accountable.

A Couple More Firsts
One of the beauties of being a new runner is that there are lots of firsts to celebrate! This morning I added a couple more firsts to my collection — I ran 8 miles and in 15 degrees!
Obviously I’m more excited about hitting 8 miles than I am about the new low temp…especially after such glorious weather just two days ago. But with a race on the Cape only a week away, I have to be prepared for whatever New England weather might decide to show up that day. Well given the high winds I ran into for at least half the run, I think I have definitely reached the point where I’m unfazed by the weather – a definite victory!
The run itself was more like two runs – the first 4 and a half miles were smooth and easy. Then I felt a sharp pain on the outside of my left knee. I have no idea what happened, but after that it was part run, part hobble with the occasional stop and stretch. Not always pretty, but 8 done nonetheless – a first!
Hopefully ice and rest is all that’s needed – I’m scheduled to run again until Tuesday…so fingers crossed!

60 degrees! It’s been a l-o-n-g time since I’ve run in 60 degree weather. In fact I overdressed…definitely had too much on this morning. But, I didn’t care because I was running outside….and did I mention it was 60 degrees!
Yes I was giddy for my run…so much so that I saw a rare sight – the words “slow down” on my garmin cause I was running faster than my pre-set pace range. A rare sight indeed but I was feeling good and enjoying the run and the feeling that Spring is on the way. Thank you Mother Nature…now behave yourself!

Best laid plans….
The plan was to kick February off with a bang!
After a step back week, I was going to up the mileage this week, I had my strength workouts laid out and the plan was to start and end every day with a little yoga. Sounds good, right?
Yeah well…the combination of Mother Nature, early school closings, no school and the dreaded stomach bug quickly turned this week into the week that wasn’t. So now I sit here, almost two pounds lighter (but I would strongly advise against this diet approach) trying to tweak my plan so I can stay on my goal to improve my 10k time at Hyannis at the end of the month. I must admit that I’m not feeling very confident. I honestly feel like I’ve been getting slower on the treadmill….is that possible or am I just psyching myself out? Well, whatever it is I’ve got three weeks to shake it off…hmmm, better get back to tweaking….

January rewind
- Logged 56 relatively pain-free miles – ice and foam roller helped to keep the ITB in check.
- Did not miss one scheduled run despite weekly snow storms of biblical proportion (ok slight exaggeration… or not if you listen to our local weatherman!)
- Added TRX to my weekly routine and I’m loving it! It kicks my arse in a good way.
- Finally took on hill work, and on the treadmill no less!
- Added yoga to my training….ok on the last day of the month, but technically I did add it
- Completed the first week of the Chopra Center’s 21-day Meditation Challenge. I’m not zen yet, but I’m working on it.
- 63 of you now following my
madness…er…journey — I appreciate the support!
- Treadmill as my new BFF….I need to start keeping better company. I miss the road. I will take the bitter cold temps if Mother Nature will just give the snow show a rest!
- Shoveling as a form of cross-training…ok I’m done whining.
- hmmm…that’s it…short list!
- More…more TRX, more yoga and more miles…more ice.
- Want to do a better job paying attention to what I’m eating – I don’t eat a lot of junk, but I could fuel and hydrate better, especially as I hope to increase my miles.
- Hyannis 10k

Odds and Ends
I’m trying to not let cabin fever set in here! We got more snow yesterday so instead of running I cross-trained by shoveling and playing in the snow with my dog – always a good workout!
It was back to the treadmill today – I had thought about running outside but most of my routes are still being dug out and I just wasn’t up for playing Frogger with the morning commuters 🙂 I’m just trying to look at this time on the ‘mill as an opportunity to work on maintaining a consistent pace….but I’d be lying if I didn’t say I’m starting to go a little stir crazy. I’m crossing my fingers I can get outside for Sunday’s run. My hubs and I were laughing the other day about the fact that it’s turning into one of the snowiest winters on record and we’ve got a race on the decks at the end of February! Truthfully I’m really glad I’ve got this race coming up otherwise it would be just a little too easy to hibernate and wait for spring.
Speaking of races, I’ve just added another race to my 2011 schedule. Jeff at Detroit Runner is sponsoring the “I Just Felt Like Running” virtual 5k on March 5th. He’s got a good group of participants so far and is trying to get at least one runner from all 50 states. Stop by to check it out!
Also, I have been meaning to say a big thanks to Jake at Broken Hearted Runner for including me in his list of top Running Blogs. He’s got a great mix of blogs on the list and I’m honored to have been included. I really enjoy reading about others’ ups and downs, challenges and successes and I can always find something to draw inspiration from!

Enjoying the downtime
After a great Christmas weekend filled with family, great food and lots and lots of laughter, I’m still basking in the after Christmas glow!
Today we’re digging out from the blizzard that hit much of the northeast. Building snow forts with the kids and romping through the snow with my oversized puppy definitely count as my cross-training for today!
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Had to share a pic of my pup in between snow dives! |
My ITB has now had a full week of rest and, with Mother Nature’s help, it looks like it may get a day or two more. I figure there’s no point in stressing about it — if I hope to get this ITB under control and be ready to race again in February than this is the way it has to be now.
So my plan this week is to enjoy the rest, get in some yoga, another TRX class and, of course, more “cross-training” with the kids and the pup!

So what’s your cold threshold?
How cold does it have to be before you say no to a run, or at least head for a treadmill?
I am not…repeat not a cold weather kind of girl! But after whining….er, I mean expressing my displeasure with Mother Nature and her never-ending hot flashes this summer, I promised I wasn’t going to complain when the weather finally moved to cooler temps.
Each morning as I run by the bank sign displaying the current temp, I wonder what my threshold is going to be. So far I have surprised myself (and family & friends I might add — yes I’m known as a bit of a cold wimp!) Today it flashed 29 degrees! “It’s brisk! It’s refreshing!” I kept repeating to myself, but actually once I was a mile or so in, it really wasn’t too bad. Besides it gave me a chance to try out my Lucy Propel Run Tights – a birthday present from my hubs back in August. I’m happy to say it was love at first run with these tights!
So what’s your cold threshold? How low do the temps have to drop before you stay indoors? And, what your favorite winter running gear – this girl’s got a wardrobe to build 😉