Transitioning to Training

Happy Monday!

I hope everyone had a great holiday weekend! Mine was spent eating a lot of great food, lazing on the deck and enjoying some great family time – even got some family runs in 🙂

change ahead

But now it’s Monday…and time for me to start to make the transition towards training.

Time to start being more mindful of my eating…to building up my cardio…to getting more sleep…to wrapping my head around being on a training plan again.

I ran a mile trial this weekend to benchmark where I am…and oh my, let’s just say there’s work to be done! But that’s OK. There’s still a couple of weeks before Coach Bennett sends me my Philly training plan and I know I will be ready to take on whatever he sends my way (someone please reminds in a few weeks that I said that, ok!)

Let the transition begin!

Have you started your fall training yet?



Friday Five – Summertime!

Happy Friday all!

With the weather finally warming up around here, school done for one son and quickly winding down for the other it’s starting to feel like summer! So I’m linking up with the fun ladies of the DC Trifecta (Mar, Cynthia and Courtney) for a Friday Five summertime theme: “This summer I will_____________”

This Summer I Will….

Travel  — With our vacation starting tomorrow, I’m off to a good start on this one!  oasis-of-the-seas  We’ll also be looking to get some shorter day trips and overnighters throughout the summer.




Learn a language  —  Or more specifically brush up on my very rusty Spanish.  After getting to try out 3 languages this past school year, my son settled on Spanish and he’s inspired me to join him!



Train for the Fall –With two half marathons and a PR to chase, training will start in earnest in July!

loco_smuttyrock    PM14_Banner

House Projects — There are a number of projects I’ve had on the backburner, but with more free time available this summer I’m hoping to conquer some of them. At the top of the list – declutter and build out our mudroom.

Relax and Have Fun! — Summer is such great time to slow down, re-group and re-connect. I’m looking forward to lazy days at the beach, meals on the deck and lots of time with friends and family!


What’s on your must do list for summer?





There are so many great bloggers joining the DC Trifecta link up – be sure to stop by and check them out!



Trying to avoid a DNS pity party



Completely frustrated right now!

I’m sick. I think I may have a touch of the same virus my youngest son had just a week or so ago. The minute I started to feel lousy I should have listened to my body and taken a rest day (or two) – this thing has quietly been brewing for a bit. But I wanted to keep my training on the right track so I pushed.

And now my body’s rebelling big time. I tried to manage things as best I could, hoping I could get ahead of it. Well it wasn’t enough because I landed in bed Thursday barely able to get my head off the pillow and with almost no voice 🙁

So, (barring a miracle recovery) the reality that I’m probably not going to be running Newport on Sunday is setting in, and I’m trying really hard to avoid having a big ole pity party. This will be my 2nd DNS this year. I was really looking forward to running Newport – it is a beautiful course, and while I wasn’t planning to “race” it, I had wanted to go and put in a solid training run with some RP miles. Now, given how I feel I doubt I could muster an LSD pace for that distance. And I know how miserable it is to run a race sick – (not to mention the hour-long drive to and from the race). BTDT…no thanks.

I’m just feeling really frustrated right now cause every time it seems that I’m starting to get on a bit of a roll, my body decides it doesn’t want to cooperate.

Ever had to DNS a race you were really looking forward to? Would you rather a DNS or a DNF?



#OneSmallChange Week 11

smchange buttonIt’s Week 11 of the One Small Change Challenge! This has been a great challenge – some of the changes have definitely been easier to stay on top of than others. Here’s what I’ve taken on so far:

Week 1 – Daily plank routine

Week 2 – Keep my often-cluttered coffee table clutter-free

Week 3 – Increase my daily water intake

Week 4 – On hold

Week 5 – Daily rolling of my very tight quads and hamstrings

Week 6 – Take time each morning to set my plan/intentions for the day

Week 7 – Plan my strength-training workouts

Week 8 –  On hold to re-group

Week 9 – Meal planning

Week 10 – Eliminate late afternoon snacking

I was helped a lot with week 10 by grabbing a mug of green tea in the afternoon – it helped me to slow down and be more mindful and stop picking at my sons’ snacks while helping with homework.

So now for week 11 – Turn off the electronics at night. I’ve gotten into the habit of being on my laptop/iPad/phone way too late into the evening – that much screen time makes it tough to wind down. So the goal this week is to unplug earlier and get some much needed sleep!

Do you find you’re “plugged in” late into the night or are you good about turning your electronics off? 


Missed goal – #WhatsBeautiful Update

As you know I’ve been participating in Under Armour’s “What’s Beautiful” campaign. I’ve been hard at work on my stated goal:

“Focus on speedwork, strength training and core work so I can own new PRs for the 10K and the half marathon; and most of all, be a stronger version of myself!”

My first chance to achieve part of that goal was running Boston’s Run to Remember…. but I fell short of my target by 2 minutes.

My stomach went south around mile 8 and despite my best effort I couldn’t overcome those lousy two minutes!

So what do you do when you fail to reach your goal?

Have  a pity party? Question how hard you trained? Take time off? All of the above?


Well I’m having none of that! I’m choosing to …. Assess, re-group and get going! While I’m ticked off that I missed my goal, there are some good lessons to take from the race and training cycle to help fuel me as I get ready to go after my goal again:

  1. During this training cycle I ended up not running enough longer runs with RP miles – in part because of the timing of other races I had on the schedule and because of a cranky ITB 
  2. Once I started paying attention to the strength exercises Coach Bennett gave me for my IT, the IT became a non-issue in my training and in the race.
  3. Looking at my splits I can see that my time on the track is starting to pay off.
  4. While there was more core and strength work  during this cycle, this is still a weak link for me.

So as I go after my 10Ks this summer and start training for my fall half marathons, I WILL:

  • Put in more long runs with RP miles
  • Keep doing the exercises my Coach gave me
  • Continue to hit the track and hills for speed
  • Be consistent in my core and strength work
  • Find new nutrition game plan – while I treated every long run as a dress rehearsal for my races in terms of fueling something’s going terribly wrong on race day. So I’m starting from scratch here – I will keep a food journal and go back to trying new options pre-run. I will not let my stomach derail another race!

 So what do you do when you fail to reach your goal?


There are just no words

If you want to help the Sandy Hook victims and their families, here are some ways (thanks to Beth at Shut Up and Run for posting them).

 Wishing you peace,


Reflections on Training

Since wrapping up my last big race of the fall a couple of weeks ago, I’ve been thinking a lot about this past training cycle

Working with a coach was one of the best decisions I could have made. Throughout the 19 week plan that Coach Bennett Cohen designed for me I was pushed well outside my comfort zone


To eat or not to eat?

One of the big questions I’m trying to figure out is what to eat before and/or after a run. Most of the time I don’t eat in the morning before I run and occasionally I’ll try half a banana. I’m wondering if I’m hurting my ability to run stronger or faster by not eating before hand? I feel pretty dehydrated after the run and drink a ton of water….should I be downing a sports drink instead? Usually I feel ok post run but find I’m crashing late in afternoon.
